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Topic: Debt, Matches 15 quotes.



Living Within Our Means

We talk constantly about balancing the budget. We are not balancing the budget. Debts are mounting higher in our national administration and I suppose in our state government as well as in our municipal governments. I recognize the fact that many municipalities are actually embarrassed because they cannot get the means with which to discharge their public obligations. It may be that such strenuous circumstances will be necessary to teach us that publicly as well as privately we have to live within our means, for there is just one way for every institution as well as every individual to get out of its or his debts and that is by spending less than we receive and applying the difference to the liquidation of our liabilities. That is the only way to get out of debt. It is a very simple process, and yet it is a very hard thing to do and requires a tremendous amount of stamina to undertake the job.

Source: Elder Stephen L. Richards
General Conference, October 1932

Topics: Debt



Perplexing Situations

Our government is now very much in the condition that it was at that early time. Demands are made upon it which are exceedingly difficult to comply with. The soldiers of our country are in an ugly mood because their requests are not granted. The resources of the country are not sufficient to meet the demands made upon it, notwithstanding the great increase in taxes which has recently been levied. The bulletin boards, while this conference has been in session, have announced that the budget of the government is still five hundred million dollars short of balance. What is the result going to be? I do not know; I do not want to assume the responsibility of indicating, but I do know that there are some things which will help. I do know that Elder Richards this afternoon has declared to you in plain terms some of the things that must be accomplished. There is about ten billions of dollars of gold in the world. Our national debt is twenty billions of dollars. What the debt of other nations of the world is I do not now, I have not taken the time to determine, but this I do know, that the World war cost about two hundred billions of dollars, and that does not take into consideration the amount which was paid for the restoration of property destroyed, nor does it take into consideration the fact that I believe nearly ten millions of men, if I remember the figures correctly, were either killed or permanently disabled and taken away from the forces which create the industries of the world. So that altogether I calculate that at least two hundred and fifty billions of dollars was the cost of that great war. Will the debt ever be paid? It never will. That goes without saying. Some part of it may be, I do not know. No one will deny the fact that the government at present is confronted with perplexing situations, questions of great import. How they are to be solved men appear not to know, and I do not know. One thing that I do know, is that the American people are capable of solving these problems if the voice of the people coud be heard. I have faith in the sold of these American people which God has brought to this land. He has said, and I am only repeating his words, that the nation shall persist, that it shall be able to meet any emergency that shall arise if it will only, as I have stated, have faith in the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, October 1932

Topics: Debt; Taxes; War



How The Depression May Be Overcome

Every intelligent person who is familiar with current events, knows that a cloud of financial depression, the like of which has never before been known, hovers over the world, so dark and ominous that the sunshine of hope can scarcely penetrate it.

Like the great World War, it has found its way into the most remote corners of the world.

If the government, the states, the counties and municipalities will exercise rigid economy in the expenditure of public funds; if citizens will loyally support and patronize the industries and business of the nation, state and community in which they reside; if bankers will carefully and wisely protect the money of depositors; if depositors will loyally cooperate with the banks to which the care of their money is entrusted; if families and individuals will live within their income and avoid debt, the clouds of adversity will roll away, and the sun of prosperity and peace will shine again upon a happy and prosperous people.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, April 1932

Topics: Debt; Economics; Government, Spending



The Burdens of Debt

How often at these conferences have we heard the voice of President Smith ring out, aye, not only as counsel and advice, but as a man clothed with authority to speak, pleading with the people to study and obey the temporal laws given to this Church! How often have we heard him and others pleading with the people to keep out of debt; and, if in debt, that we get out as soon as possible. That advice is not only good to our people and all people, but it is good to all nations and all countries, all states, all counties, all cities, for whoever dreamed a few years ago that the world would be in such a condition financially as it is today? Since the close of war I have exercised all my power to eliminate every unnecessary expense of our government with a view of lightening the burden of taxation upon the institutions of our country and individual taxpayers, and set an example, if you please, for states and for counties, and for cities, and foreign countries, as well, to follow.

Source: Elder Reed Smoot
General Conference, April 1925

Topics: Debt



Importance of the Ownership of Land, Danger of Borrowing.

The great importance attached to this condition of debt, and the ownership of land upon which people live, is illustrated in the law given by the Lord, for the government of ancient Israel. Under this law it was impossible to transfer the title to land from the original owner, who had received it as a heritage, to the permanent possession of another. It might pass temporarily into the hands of strangers, but at the lapse of fifty years, when the great jubilee came, amid rejoicing and thanksgiving, the land reverted to the original owner, or his heirs, and another opportunity was given for independent existence. We have no such guarantee, once our heritage passes from us, it can only be recovered by infinite toil, and too often, not at all.

I do not wish to be understood to mean, by my remarks, that debt should never be incurred. That no circumstance can justify the borrowing of money, but I do say without hesitation that it is better never to be in debt, that it would be better never to borrow money, and I wish to warn my brethren and sisters of the danger which confronts us because of the great burden of debt which we are saddling upon our backs, and the backs of our children, a burden under which I fear they will faint, and fall by the way.

Source: President Anthony W. Ivins
General Conference, October 1921

Topics: Debt



Not only should we have strong spiritual homes, but we should have strong temporal homes. We should avoid bondage by getting out of debt as soon as we can, pay as we go, and live within our incomes. There is wisdom in having on hand a year’s supply of food, clothing, fuel (if possible), and in being preparing to defend our families and our possessions and to take care of ourselves. I believe a man should prepare for the worst while working for the best.

Source: Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 263-264.

Topics: Debt; Rights, Self Defense

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