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Accountancy, 16, 89-92, 145.
Anarchy, 115 ff.
Bank of International Settlements, 110, 160-161, 162.
Banking, 27-30, 33-34, 42, 43, 51, 67-71, 122, 135; under the Valun
System, 52 ff, 68, 100, 136, 138, 162.
Barnes, Kathryn, xv. Barter, 11, 13 ff, 20-21. See also Money.
Baseball, 62.
Beach, Blanche Ellis, xvi. Bees, 114, 116.
Bellamy, William M., 122.
Better Business Bureau, xi-xii. Bills of Credit, 36.
Billings, Josh, 149.
Black inkers, 66.
Black market, 90, 133.
Blue Sky laws, xi-xii.
Bonds, U.S. Government, 41, 43, 148, 155.
Boom, 28 ff. Boundaries, adverse to the social interest, 83 ff. Boykin, Edward, 148.
Bretton Woods, 124.
Browne, Harry, viii. Brown, Harry G., 12.
Brundage, Percival C., 145.
Bryan, William Jennings, 150.
Burchard, Montgomery, 11.
Burnell, William V., 134.
Business Cycle, 28 ff, 51.
Bust, 28 ff, 51.
Calder, Curtis E., 141, 142.
Capitalism, xiv-xviii, 67-71, 98.
Chalis, Bennett, 153.
Chamberlain, John, 151.
Charity, 70.
Chase, Salmon P., 36.
Checks, 34.
Chevalier, Willard T., 123.
Chodorov, Frank, 156.
Civil War, 36, 84.
Classical School of Economics, 48.
Commodities, 11, 13 ff, 22-23, 94, 106, 129.
Communism, 47.
Competition, 16, 24, 49-50, 68, 70, 71, 79, 114 ff, 159, 162.
Congress, U.S., 12; Continental, 35.
Constitution, U.S., 35 ff, 127-128.
Cooperative Movement, 145.
Contract, 21,44, 153.
Counterfeit, legal, 33-42, 75, 124, 147-148, 156.
Credit, 2-3, 24, 69, 100, 126-127, 130, 131, 144, 157-164; under the Valun System, 93 ff, 120, 136, 137, 159; restrictive attitudes and practices, x, 67-71, 95, 101.
Cultural life, 125-126.
Currency controls, 4-8, 120.
Debt, federal, 29-31, 41, 42.
Deficit financing, 39 ff, 74. See also Counterfeit, legal; Inflation; Taxation.
Deflation, 28, 30, 43.
Democracy, xiv, xxi, 47, 65, 74-81, 123-124, 140; majority rule, 77-78; elections, 78-79.
Depression, xi ff, 99. See also Unemployment; Bust.
Diamond, David, 144.
Dignity of man, 70.
Distribution of wealth, 67-70.
Dollar, 1-8, 45, 57, 110, 121, 132-133. See also Silver dollar; Spanish dollar.
Duocracy, xiv.
Dusch, Kathryn, xv.
Economic vs. political means, xxii, 48, 77.
Economics, 11-12,47-48.
Education, 73, 147-148.
Employment, 57, 98-100.
England, 108, 149.
Exchange, x, xiv, xxiii, 1, 10, 13-15, 22, 56, 59, 62, 67, 69, 73, 76, 79-80, 93-96, 123, 125-126, 144.
See also Foreign exchange.
Farmer, Fyke, 132.
Farrand, Max, 36.
Fascism, 47.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 55, 155.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 45.
Federal Reserve Board, 1, 10.
Firth, Ivan, vii, 146, 149.
Fisher, Irving, 11, 12.
Foreign exchange, 4 ff, 60, 120.
Fort Knox, 156.
Foster, William T., 120.
Franc, French, 7-8.
Frank, Arvid L., 141-143.
Frazer, Felix J., 136, 137.
Freedom, x, 44, 78, 85, 133.
Frisch, Ragnar, 12.
Gaevernitz, von Schultze, 12.
Garrett, Garet, 147.
Giberson, A.L., 145.
Giro plans, 126.
Gold, 13 ff, 18, 29, 36,45, 107-111, 120-121, 149-151, 156.
Government, xi, 114-117, 132. See also Democracy; Monarchy; Political monetary system; Socialism; State; Welfare state; United States Government.
Greenbacks, 36, 148.
Greene, William B., 126.
Gresham's Law, 143.
Hanna, Mark, 150.
Happiness, 85.
Harper, F.A., 154.
Hart, Merwin K., 134.
Harvey, W.H., 149.
Heath, Spencer, vi, xiv, 76, 126, 137.
Hoover, Herbert, xii.
Ideals, xiv, xv, 59, 85.
Ideas, 83.
Impecunious, the, 66 ff.
Individualism, x, xxi, 84, 85, 140.
Industry, 96-97.
Inflation, xiii, xxi ff, xxiii, 1-10, 28, 30, 39-46, 48, 58-59, 109, 146, 148-149, 155. See also Taxation.
Insurance, 46, 146. See also under Valun system.
Interest, 54, 122, 131.
Investment Bankers Association, xi.
Jackson, Andrew, 149.
James, Cyril, 12.
Johnson, Holgar J., 146.
Justice, xiv.
Kant, Immanuel, 113.
King, Wilford I., 12.
Kitson, Arthur, 129-131.
Labadie, Laurence, 128.
Labor, 59, 70, 93-100; specialization of, 93, 125-126. See also Production.
Labor theory of value, 94.
Langer, William, 123.
Law, 114, 132.
LeBlanc, George, 12.
Legal tender, 30, 49, 128, 130, 134-135.
Lobbying, 123.
Loomis, Mildred J., 139.
Lurio, M.S., 143.
Macy and Company, R.H., xi. Maeterlinck, Maurice, 116.
Manarchy, 115 ff. Manuel, Ralph W., 135.
Marx, Karl, xv, 47.
Mathematics, 22; of value, 21, 47, 103-104.
May, George 0., 89.
McConnell, John W., 12.
McKinley, William, 150.
McNally, Raymond J., 65, 131.
Mellon, Andrew, 29.
Mercantilism, 48.
Meulen, Henry, 128-129.
Mises, Ludwig von, 153.
Monetary science, 12, 91-92.
Monetary system, 16-18, 21, 25, 47, 48-50, 74, 81, 85, 93, 139, 161-162. See also Political monetary system.
Money -- Backing, 15, 18, 20, 107-108, 138, 156; boomerang, 67; checks, 34; circulation, 16, 134; concept vs the manifest, 23; distinct from value, 21; ferret of affinities, 146; function of, 67, 106, 140; Gresham's Law, 143; history of, xxii-xxiii, 13 ff, 149 ff, 156; implicit compact, 21, 44, 135-136, 161-162; labor basis of, 94, 126, 137, 159; lending, 27-28; liberating power of, 14; maintains values fresh, 66; management, 62; mathematics of value, the, 21, 47, 103-106; Money and state, separation of, xxi, xxii-xxiii, 48, 153; monetary circles, 18-20, 67, 97, 135-136; monetary instruments, 13-16, 20-22, 25; nature of, ix, 11-15, 18, 20-25, 34, 94, 130, 133, 135-136, 140, 143, 153, 154; neutral in exchange, 95, 140-141; nonexistent until accepted in exchange, 15-16; no intrinsic worth, 15, 20; no purchasing power, 23, 153; not a measure of value, 95, 105; pledge, 15, 17; specie vs. fiat, 138-139; springs from exchange, 146; three schools of thought, 127; volume, 18, 28 ff, 41, 61, 69, 135; without record or instruments, 21, 105. See also Counterfeit; Credit; Currency Controls; Foreign exchange; Legal tender; Money issuance; Money redemption; Political monetary system; Value.
Money issuance, 15 ff, 18, 24, 27-
28, 33, 61, 65 ff, 69, 85, 127, 160-161; issuer must be active vendor, 16, 20; issuer must be impecunious, 16-17, 66; no monopoly, 127; not by government, 16, 33, 37, 50, 123, 147, 152; not vicarious, 37, 79. See also Money redemption.
Money Magazine, 126, 127.
Money redemption, 16, 20, 24, 161. See also Money issuance.
Moneyizing, 103.
Monopoly, 73, 127.
Morality, 46, 65, 100, 161.
Morgenthau, Henry, 120.
Morris, Charles, 36.
Morton, George, ix.
Mussolini, Benito, 113.
Mutual credit plans, 126-127.
National Association of Manufacturers, 141 ff. National City Bank, 57, 110.
Nationalism, 83 ff. New York Stock Exchange, xi. New York Times, 143.
Odium, Floyd B., 132, 133.
Oppenheimer, Franz, 115.
Paternalism, 84, 116, 147, 152-153, 155, 157.
Payroll, 97-98, 144-145.
Personal enterprise system, 39, 45, 47, 73, 136, 147-148, 152-153;
potential to render public community services, 75-76.
Persons, Warren M., 12.
Physiocrats, 48.
Poirot, Paul L., 156-163.
Political Economy, 48.
Political monetary system, x, 4 ff, 13, 48, 60, 73-74, 84, 121, 123, 131, 134, 146, 153.
Politics — See State, the. Pound sterling, 7-8.
Pretensia, 33.
Price, 70.
Price index, 90.
Price level, 101, 146.
Price and wage controls, 1, 106 ff, 133.
Pricing system, 79-80.
Printing-press money, 37.
Private enterprise — See Personal
enterprise; Capitalism. Production, 80, 93-94, 98. See also Labor.
Profit motive, xiv, 132, 141.
Progress, social, 141.
Propaganda, 73.
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 114, 126.
Purchasing power, 23, 108, 129, 153.
Red-inkers, 66.
Reform, 48, 73-76, 77, 85, 139-140.
Renaissance, the, xxii. Riegel, Edwin C., vii-xix, 50.
Riness, Dennis, 50.
Roosevelt, Franklin D., xiii, 108,
121, 129, 147, 148, 156.
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 113.
Russia, 45.
Saltonstall, Leverett, 121.
Saving without materializing, 66.
Schurz, Carl, xv.
Scott, E.H., 36.
Selfishness, 115.
Shaw, R. Harland, 138.
Sherman, John, 151.
Silver, 13-15, 149.
Silver dollar, 14-15.
Smith, Adam, 47-48.
Social Security Administration, xvi, 46.
Socialism, x, xv, 48, 74, 134, 141 ff, 147-148, 152, 153, 155. See also Welfare state.
Society, 114-117, 125, 141; social ideal, xiv.
Spanish dollar, 57.
Spencer, Herbert, 130.
Startup, George A., 127.
State, the, xiv, xxii-xxiii, 20, 24, 43, 68, 73-78, 83-85, 113-117, 123-124, 130-131; anti-democratic, 74-75; political vs economic means, xii, 48, 77. See also Government.
Swapping, 123-125.
Sweeney, Henry W., 89.
Taxation, xxii, 34, 39 ff, 44, 155.
Thoreau, Henry David, 114.
Treasury, U.S., 29, 121, 156.
Tyranny, 73. See also Government.
Unemployment. See Employment.
United States Government, 35-46, 108 ff, 127-128, 156. See also Debt, federal; Deficit financing; Government; Treasury, U.S.
Valdol checks, 57-58.
Value, 20-25, 47, 56, 66, 94-95, 103-106, 107-109.
Valun system, 49-63, 137, 157-160; banking, 52 ff, 138-139, 160-161, 162; Board of Governors, 51-52; checks and currency interchangeable, 50-51; community service, 137; competition, 49, 138, 159, 162; cooperative movement, 145; credit policy, 52, 55 ff, 93 ff, 96-97, 120, 136; currency, 55, 144; delinquency, 100; employment, 98-100; essential features, 50-51; flexibility, 137, 159; governments' limited participation, 50, 127; individualism, 85, 134; inflation protection, 59; interest, 54; implementation, 57, 61 ff; liquidating political monetary units, 60; organization, 51-53; parity insurance, 52, 54-55, 155; payroll, 97-98, 144, 145; profit motive, 131-132; saving without materializing, 66; service organization, 52; source of name, 50; specie vs. flat, 138-139; sponsorship, 62; terminology, 143-144; volume, 61. See also Banking credit.
Veterans' benefits, 46.
Wages, 59, 70, 98. See also Price and wage controls.
Warbasse, James Peter, 145.
Wealth, distribution of, 67-70.
Welfare state, 74-75, 77, 84, 116, 147-148. See also Government; Socialism.
Westrop, Alfred B., 129.
Whittick, William, 128, 129.
World union, xxii, 81, 84, 132.
Unitas Plan, 120.
United States government, 7.
Zuckriegel, Oscar, xv.
Zuckriegel, Peter, xv.
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