

A Study of Communism. recommended, 308.

Abolitionists, condemned, 489.

Abomination of Desolation, predicted, 254.

Abt, John, in Dept. of Agriculture, 305.

Academic Freedom, 188-191; communists use, 249; considering both sides, 441; needed in universities, 170; not academic license, 188; perversion of by communists, 297-8; presupposes moral integrity, 189.

Academic License, 191; not academic freedom, 188.

Accommodation, communists not defeated by, 288.

Acton, Lord, 112, 119.

Adams, John, 174, 197, 506.

Admiral’s Log, recommended, 308.

Africa, conquest of, 303.

Aged, care of, 357-8; children to care for, 388.

Agency, Lord gives to man, 14.

Agitation, communist weapon, 301.

Agitators, alien, 316.

Agrarian Reform, civil rights parallel to, 272.

Agriculture, a state responsibility, 345; needs to be free, 157, 176; politics of, 176; threat to, 176; what to do, 177.

Alertness, a need for, 309.

Aliens, ambitious agitators, 316; communizing America, 325-6; influencing us, 434; labor agitators, 399, 404; leadership, 221-2; seek destruction of Constitution, 96, 152, 220, 450.

Allegiance, to flag, 201.

Allen, Robert Lorin, 269.

Alliances: See Entangling Alliances.

Ambassadors at Large, unconstitutional, 95.

Ambition, dangerous, 120.

Amendments, conservative progress needed, 87; Lord prescribed method, 88; may undermine Constitution, 87-8; principle to observe, 87.

America, a choice land, 57-67; a Christian nation, 57, 162; conceived under God, 310; deception in, 244-7; destiny of, 60; evils to be protected from, 61; faces freedom or slavery issue, 327; faces great crisis, 337-8; God is king of, 60; God’s hand over, 57; God will preserve, 61; great neutral nation, 431; greatness due to goodness, 60; land of liberty, 147; Lord’s base of operations, 61; needs return to fundamentals, 63; Nephi’s vision of 57; our real trouble, 66; penalty of disobedience, 58; pincers movement to destroy, 453; predictions concerning, 252-4; real tragedy in, 187; religious heritage of to be taught, 183; republic of, 107, 111; soul of must be protected, 62; spirit of, 58; what’s wrong with, 64, 67.

American Civil Liberties Union, a real danger, 248.

American Code, sabotage of, 67.

American Economic Foundation, 67.

American Institute for Economic Research, 465.

American, meaning of, 128.

American Opinion, 228, 243.

American Way of Life, needs emphasis in schools, 180.

Americanism, children to be taught, 146; defeat communism with, 203, 288; understanding of needed, 307-10.

Americans for Democratic Action, a real danger, 248.

Anarchists, agitating and plotting in Europe, 219-20; on extreme right, 302.

Anderson, Maxwell, 247.

Anderson, Tom, 506.

Angels, don’t need government, 126.

Anti-Anti-Communism, a sham anti-communist front, 286-7; attacks anti-communism, 248-51; present line of, 250; psychological traits of, 286.

Anti-Communism, attack on, 284-92; Mos- cow orders attack on, 247; vital need for organizations, 309.

Anti-Communists, criticism of is appalling, 311; patriots are, 247; smeared, 250-1; under attack, 248-9.

Anti-Semitism, not new, 77.

Anti-Trust Laws, should apply to labor unions, 412, 418.

Apathy, afflicts Western peoples, 240; Cuba takeover caused by, 239.

Apostasy, criticism of Prophets leads to, 12; from Constitution, xxviii; from peace, 432.

Apostles, majority always right, 5.

Appeasement, America has no place for, 258; communism not defeated by, 288; concessions to communism, 440; not the answer, 439, 441, 473.

Armaments, will not guarantee safety, 64.

Asia, conquest of, 303; enslaved, 266.

Assassination, discussed, 275-8; planned by communists, 277.

Astray, Church not to go, 8. [p. 562]

Atheism, not to be taught in schools, 186; Supreme Court leading America down road to, 187.

Atom Bomb, misuse of not greatest threat, 428; tragedy of, 445, 471.

Attrition, method used by communists, 273.

Autocracy, government of one man is, 112.


Babylon, fall of decreed, 481.

Bakunin, Mikhail, 217.

Ballard, Melvin J., 58-60, 105, 511-2.

Bankhead, Reid, 11, 423.

Barbarism, a sag into, 470.

Barnes, Harry Elmer, 474.

Base of Operations, America is Lord’s, 61.

Bastiat, Frederic, 111, 117, 147, 156, 194, 331, 346, 350, 377.

Beaverbrook, Lord, 460.

Benson, Ezra Taft, vi, xxiv, xxv, 14, 24-6, 28-32, 53-4, 61-3, 105, 113-7, 117-8, 120, 129-30, 130-3, 150-4, 159, 160-2, 163-7, 176-7, 195, 198, 199-200, 205-7, 236-64, 264-75, 275-95, 295-311, 330-7, 338-41, 352, 368-70, 370-1, 414-5, 430, 438, 441, 443-5, 447-50, 457, 458-61, 462-3, 486-7, 492-4; tribute to, xxv. Benson, Reed, joins John Birch Society, 293-4.

Bible, not taught in homes, 187; used in early education, 185.

Bible References, xii, xxi, xxix, 3, 4, 10, 12, 26, 30, 38, 134, 138, 140, 141, 162, 184, 216, 218, 281-2, 388, 389, 401, 402, 403, 487, 498, 504, 507, 508.

Bill of Rights, jeopardized, 208.

Birth Control, 509-14; a great danger, 509; a great sin, 512; a worldly doctrine, 510; not a debatable issue, 510; poverty not a good excuse for, 511.

Black, Justice Hugo, 185.

Black Markets, not new, 77.

Blackness, reason for skin of, 497.

Blessings, principle of, 425.

Blood, price of liberty, 71, 327; shedding of justified, 478-9.

Blue Book of John Birch Society, 293.

Bolshevism, 223; Lenin’s party, 303.

Bonds, government, 371.

Book of Mormon References, ii, xx, xxi, xxix, 31, 57, 58, 64, 65, 134, 151, 160, 209, 256, 257, 479, 503, 507.

Both Sides, considering, 441.

Bowen, Albert E., xxii, 21-4, 27-8, 35-6, 38-9, 44, 45, 50-1, 126-8, 135, 150-4, 181-2, 200-1, 326-7, 350, 357-64, 383-4, 384-6, 385-6, 406-8, 427, 446, 474-5.

Braden, Spruille, 330.

Brainwashing In The High Schools 195. Bricker Amendment, 451.

Brigham Young University, 378.

British North American Act, 75.

Broadminded, America too, 236.

Brotherhood, sense of needed, 413.

Bureaucracy, a method of takeover, 225.

Burke, Edmund, 23, 33, 37, 40, 46, 54, 89, 106, 129, 135, 153, 344.

Byrd, Senator Harry F., 188.


Cain, mark of, 488.

California Senate Fact-Finding Committee, 290.

Candidates, qualifications for, 51, 54, 203.

Cannon, George Q., 10, 12-3, 18, 103-4, 112-3, 121, 178, 204, 219-20, 281, 312-3, 378, 403-4, 481-2, 494, 502.

Cannon, Sylvester Q., 431-2.

Capital, labor enslaved by, 395; should feel secure, 392; time is, 175.

Capital and Labor: Also see Labor Unions.

Capital and Labor, 391-419; a joint enterprise, 396; employer-employee relationships, 401; fair dealing needed, 392; Golden Rule plan, 413; inequality of, 393; just compensation, 394; labor expects too much, 397; profit sharing needed, 394; seek for union of, 419; sensible conclusions, 399.

Capitalism: Also see Free Enterprise.

Capitalism, 159-177; education needed concerning, 170; liberty in economic sphere, 169; meaning of, 169, 321; misunderstood, 169; patience needed, 170; praised, 169; work is foundation of, 169.

Capital Punishment, law of Lord, 507-8; official Church position, 507; question of confused, 508.

Captain, keep eye on, 13, 31.

Carver, George Washington, 501.

Castro, aided by Americans, 238.

CCC Camps, discussed, 324.

Censorship, by government, 245.

Central America, conquest of, 303.

Centralization, great danger from, 331; not inevitable, 115; oppressive, 123; today’s trend, 320.

Chains, mankind bound in, 209.

Chamberlin, Edward H., 407.

Chamberlin, William H., 286, 473.

Chaos, communism to follow, 93-4.

Character, God’s purpose to build, 154; higher than intellect, 179, 186; not built by taking away initiative, 25; of supreme worth, 24; safety of nation depends on, 38; schools to develop, 179. [p. 563]

Charity, our idea of, 385.

Checks and Balances, rendered powerless, 82, 123.

Chiang Kai-shek, a great patriot, 266.

China, enslaved, 266, 475.

Chodorov, Frank, 315.

Choice: Also see Free Agency.

Choice, a treasured possession, 135; an audacious experiment, 139; only mankind has, 139; power of within us, 137.

Christian, education, 183.

Christianity, communists plan destruction of, 226; socialism hostile to, 227-8.

Church, concerned with government, 44-5; has great stake in freedom, 135; mission of world wide, 426; to raise warning voice, 135.

Church and State, 43-54; separation of, 181, 183, 189.

Church Doctrine, will catch up with their way of thinking says rationalizers, 430.

Churchill, Winston, 258.

Citizenship, a spiritual obligation, 53; duty of, 199; education for, 178-195.

Civil Law, explained, 76.

Civil Rights, communist influence in, 272, 298.

Civil Rights Act, analyzed, 492-3; extension of federal power, 322, 339; most radical proposal, 492.

Civil War, communists plan for, 272.

Civil War, The, conduct during, 470; not fought to free slaves, 490.

Clark, Fred G., 67-8.

Clark, J. Reuben, xvi, xviii, xix, xx, xxi, xxiv, xxv, xxviii, xxx, 14, 26-7, 44-6, 51-2, 58, 60-1, 69-74, 76-82, 84-6, 87, 88-90, 90-9, 104-5, 110, 113, 118, 122-4, 124-6, 128-9, 144-5, 149, 158, 162-3, 167, 179, 188-90, 198, 220-8, 228-9, 229-30, 231-3, 303, 307, 316-20, 321-6, 327-8, 344-6, 351-2, 353-7, 364-8, 371-6, 377-8, 382-3, 387-8, 390, 393-400, 404, 418-9, 425, 431, 432-7, 438-9, 445, 447, 448, 449, 450-6, 458, 461-2, 463-6, 468-74, 483; tribute to, xxiv, 307, 462.

Clark, Senator Joseph S., criticizes Constitution, 90, 282.

Cleveland, Grover, 345.

Cliches of Socialism, recommended, 308.

Closed Shop: Also see Compulsory Unionism.

Closed Shop, a new tyranny, 411; based on coercion, 414; condemned, 411.

Coercion: Also see Force.

Coercion, an evil, 155; defined, 155; denounced, 155; God does not use, 318; how power of removed, 168; power of threatens freedom, 168; Satan’s weapon, 405; statism is, 320; when rightfully exercised, 155.

Co-existence: See Peaceful Co-existence.

Cold War: Also see War.

Cold War, a real war, 294-5; we are losing, 273.

Cole, G. D. H., 336.

Collectivism, doctrines of enslave mankind, 349; various kinds of, xiii, 375.

Color, Communism and Common Sense, recommended, 301.

Columbus, foreseen by Nephi, 57; inspired, 252.

Commerce, should be free, 177.

Common Law, explained, 76.

Communism: Also see Socialism, Revolutionists.

Communism, 211-311; academic freedom and, 249; achievements of, 228; advance of not inevitable, 280; agitation a weapon of, 301; alien leadership of, 221-2; all are enemies, 296; American aid to, 236, 258, 265-6, 282-3; America invaded by, 316; Americanism will defeat, 203, 288; assassination of Kennedy by, 277; atheistic, 275; attacks on many fronts, 260; a war against God, 254; campaign to win youth, 298; children to be inoculated against, 146; Christianity to be destroyed by, 226; Church’s greatest threat, 233-4; civil rights infiltrated by, 298; clergy infiltrated by, 272; closely allied with Nazism and Fascism, 302; conspiracy to enslave mankind, 211, 214, 230, 273, 311; continuation of War in Heaven, 254-5; cooperation from not to be expected, 235; Cuban victory by, 237-9, 241-2; danger from increasing, 297; deception of, 213; defeat of vital, 235, 299; defectors from, 304, 306; demoralization strategy of, 305; dialectical battle, 234; diplomatic personnel as spies, 304; diplomatic relations with, 235; divide and conquer, 225; exposure of necessary, 214, 251, 308; extermination plans of, 232; failure of predicted, 142, 159, 229; fallacies of should be attacked, 246; family relationships regulated by, 227; fear an informed America, 274; firmer opposition to needed, 211; first cell in government, 305; First Presidency warns against, 211, 213; forceful overthrow by, 225; foreign born appealed to, 222; formula for U.S. conquest, 303; free market best defense against, 166; fronts, 245; Gadiantons similar to, 255-6; goal of, 296; government infiltration by, 221, 244-5; gradual takeover by, 272-3; hatred is basis of, 217; ideology of, 211-2; infiltration by, 271-2; influence policy, 281; intellectuals recruited by, 262; internal threat from, 211, 229; international criminal conspiracy, 211-311; [p. 564] intolerable, 213; investigating committees attacked by, 251, 289; John Taylor criticizes, 312; judged by freedom standard, 29; key for detecting, 297; knowledge of needed, 181, 214, 261, 268, 295, 310; labor agitators, 398-9; labor unions infiltrated by, 400, 420; language manipulation by, 301; liberals give aid to, 279; liberty's destruction planned by, 226; Marx did not originate, 228; mellowing of, 218, 271, 274, 296-7; methods of takeover, 224-5, 271-3; morality of, 214-5; Moroni foresees, 256-7; murderous influence of, 219; negroes exploited by, 488; non-communists influenced by, 237, .245, 249, 262, 280-1, 288, 296, 300; numerical strength not a true test, 237; only threat from abroad, 62; organized Paganism, 231-3; our duty to oppose, 299; overthrow of, 259; paranoic delusions of, 231; party line of, 243; peaceful coexistence with, 299; peace propaganda by, 218, 301; political party’, 211; political subversion by, 200; power system, 211-2, 218, 269; Priesthood duty to fight, 255; public indifference to is national suicide, 311; public ownership projects, 335; racial conflict, 489; religion destroyed by, 215, 217; religion status of, 39; revolutionary system, 223-4; sabotage not stressed by, 225; Satan directs, 223, 232, 257; schools infiltrated by, 182, 190; secret combinations, 219; smear tactics by, 251; socialism is communist strategy, 236-7, 259, 260-1, 287, 303; socialists used by, 333; soft approach to disastrous, 296; some L.D.S. favor, 486; some L.D.S. give aid to, 262; stamp out in U.S., 143; state slavery by, 303; strategy for conquest by, 230, 264; Supreme Court decisions favorable to, 267; takeover by 1973, 269; teachers, 191; teaching of in schools, 146, 181; total evil, 233; treachery and deceit of, 222; treasonable, 256-7; treasonable to support, 212; true Saints cannot support, 214; two contending forces, 214, 215-9; United Order compared to, 212-3; war as conceived by, 266; war now going on, 295-6; welfare state no alternative to, 41, 331; what we can do, 240; world revolution not called off, 274, 296-7; world socialist system the objective of, 454; world-wide dictatorship planned, 220; world’s greatest tyranny, 214; yields only to force, 235.

Complacency, in America, 151; real danger, today, 264.

Complex, life is not, 430.

Compulsory Unionism: Also see Closed Shop.

Compulsory Unionism, attitude of Church, 410; condemnation of, 408; meaning of, 409; un-American, 410.

Conferences, communist weapon, 268; futility of, 267.

Confidence, in people rather than in lead- ers, 29; parent of despotism, 341.

Congress, responsible for welfare state, 354; should stand for principles, 355.

Congressional Committees, necessity for investigations by, 308; smeared, 251.

Conservatives, believe in freedom, 132; communists cause dissension among, 288; described, 130; myths of enemies of, 130; respect for law by, 133; smeared by communists, 276.

Consolidation, aided by judiciary, 41, 99; destroys liberty, 80, 92-3.

Conspirators, American-born, 222.

Constitution, 69-105; adequacy of, 89; aim of, 83; aliens plot destruction of, 220-2; allegiance to overrides party loyalty, 51, 198; amending process of, 87-89; a standard of measurement, 29; basic law of Zion, 75; benefits whole world, 76; binding on all, 83; chains of, 341; checks and balances of, 82; Civil Rights Act destroys, 493; consolidation of powers, 80; criticized by Clark and Fulbright, 90, 248, 282; defamers of, 90; defense against tyranny, 375; despotism comes in different forms, 80; disloyalty to, 90; Elders to be balance of power in preserving, 105; encroachments, 80, 103; eternal principles of, 109; every citizen should understand and support, 106; ex ecutive directives, 91-3; faults of, 86; First Amendment misinterpreted, 187; framed to protect minorities, 88; freedom of religion, 185; freedom of speech, 190; general welfare, 342, 344-6, 372; Gladstone praises, 71; glorious standard, 69-105; inner secret state, 92; inroads upon 94; inspired, 73-4, 252; lack of mor ality destroys, 119; lawyers responsible for unconstitutional practices, 98; limited powers, 81; loyalty to, 207; maladministration of deplored, 76; misinterpretation of, 88; Ninth Amendment quoted, 84; not perfect, 75; only shield against tyranny, 375; people are sovereign, 79; perverted by political subversion, 200; Preamble to, 79, 86; Preamble not a grant of power, 86; respected more than Supreme Court, 121; Saints to preserve, 157; schools to teach superiority of, 180; separation of powers, 80; sovereignty rests in people, [p. 565]

84; stands for free enterprise, 167; support those who uphold, 418; Supreme Court undermines, 122, 185, 267; sustain all constitutional law, 100-1; teachers to be loyal to, 186; Tenth Amendment discussed, 84-5; text of, 524-540; threats against, 213; to hang by thread, 102-5, 157, 253; unconstitutional laws not binding, 99; undermining of, 106; unity in upholding, 101, 201; undermined by colleges, 190; understanding of needed, 167-8; usurpation described, 93; violators of not to be sustained, 201; war powers of president, 96; who shall re-construct? 104. Constitution of the United States (Mussatti), recommended, 307-8.

Constitutional Convention, a revolutionary body, 71.

Contempt, for those who mar standards of freedom, 200.

Contraceptives, condemned, 509.

Controls, people control, 166.

Controversial, communism is not, 254; true patriots are, 294.

Coolidge, Calvin, 35, 37, 128, 203, 373.

Corporations, less danger than big government, 93.

Counsel, duty to follow, 10; leaders obligated to give, 30; obedience to needed, 18; Prophets and, 3-13.

Counselors, example of counseling President, 11; sometimes pressure President, 12, 32.

Courts, have all judiciary powers, 82; don’t protect rights, 434.

Covetousness, sin of, 343.

Creeds, economic, 129; political, 128-9.

Crime, high cost of, 184; increase of, 184.

Criticism, example of, 10; freedom of, 94; by liberals, 283; he who fears is hopeless, 250; may lead to apostasy, 12; of Church leaders, 281.

Crusade, for freedom, 200.

Cuba, base for subversion, 238; communist victory in, 241-2; it can happen here, 242-3; pattern in, 237-9.

Curran, John Philpot, 153.

Curse, greatest today, 347.

Cursings, principle of, 425.

Czechoslovakia, communist takeover of, 440.


Dangers, ahead, 338; ambitious man to rise up, 230; big government, 93; complacency, 264; from left, 248; greatest, 330; in America today, 153; to liberty, 151; within, 105, 127, 229.

De Jure Belli et Pacis, 469.

Death, liberty or, 138; to be deprived of liberty worse than, 487.

Debt, a serious threat, 368; doesn’t establish sound security, 25; federal, 116; Jefferson on, 368.

Decasseres, Benjamin, 162.

Deception, in America, 244-7; tests for avoiding, 30, 159, 307.

Declaration of Independence, quoted, 78-9; spiritual overtones of, 79; text of, 519-522.

Defectors, testimony of, 304, 306.

Defense, in spirit which prizes liberty, 138.

Deficits, a serious threat, 368; deliberate, 367, 466.

Delegation of Power, 84, 341.

Demagogue, defined, 48.

Democracy, tyranny of, 115.

Demoralization, communist strategy of, 305; of U. S., 303.

DeNouy, LeComte, 146.

Department of State, 444.

Deseret, an emblem of work, 381.

Designation, of Priesthood, 503.

Despotism, defined, 93; lack of virtue in people results in, 28; tyranny of mob is, 112; America now has, 95; what history teaches, 80, 98, 120.

Destruction, seeds of sown when prosperous, 151; Western Nations headed for, 41.

Diabolism, contrary to Gospel, 219.

Dictatorship, described, 109, 375.

Dies, Martin, 205, 222, 235, 240, 277, 279, 283, 287, 295, 309, 406.

Dilution, Church cannot countenance, 23.

Dimitrov, Georgi, 300.

Diplomatic Recognition, cut off, 444.

Disarmament, causes war, 445; could be madness, 66; official policy of U.S., 268; preparation secures peace, 442; preparedness necessary, 445; Soviet strategy, 243, 444-5; U.S. program for, 444; Washington’s advice, 441.

Disarmament Agreements, a great mis- take, 443; morally wrong, 444.

Discrimination, designation is not, 503; originates with God, 499.

Disloyalty, beware of, 90.

Disrupter, a smear word, 285.

Dissenters, Gadiantons were, 256.

Divide and Conquer, 47; a technique of communists, 225.

Dividing Line, none between spiritual and temporal, 16.

Doctrine & Covenants References, xx, 6, 7, 15, 18, 33, 99, 112, 203, 263, 349, 379, 383, 402, 423, 429, 507, 508, 509, 515. [p. 566]

Doctrines, all are criticized by some, 45.

Dodd, Senator Thomas J., 233.

Do-gooders, do more harm than criminals, 313; extremist views of, 384; modern Robin Hoods, 355.

Dole, a political tool, 356; complex of, 356.

Draskovich, Slobodan M., 218.

Dresden, destruction of, 471.

Dupes, help communists, 296.

Durant, Will, 113.


Economic Creed, 129.

Economic Determinism, the God of, 457.

Economic Freedom: Also see Free Enterprise.

Economic Freedom, at base of all liberties, 167; consistent with morality, 161; defined, 161, 167; related to political free- dom, 167; same as capitalism, 169.

Economics, must harmonize with morals, 28.

Economics in One Lesson, recommended, 308.

Economists, false prophets among, 171.

Economy, a prime requisite for fiscal soundness, 25; mixed, 399.

Education: Also see Academic Freedom, Schools, Teachers.

Education, academic freedom, 188; Americanism to be taught, 146, 180; atheism not to be taught, 181-2, 186; Christian 183; cornerstone of, 178; establishes despotism over mind, 182; evils of communism to be taught, 146; facts of American history to be taught, 183; faith in God to be taught, 178; false ideas of are in world and our own System, 195; federal aid to, 192-5, 378; for citizenship, 178-195; four fundamental elements in, 181; freedom to be taught, 146; function of government in, 194; infiltrated by communists, 182; materialistic basis of, 41; moral and spiritual values to be taught, 180; more spent on crime, 184; not to be left to professionals, 170; purpose of, 178; religious dogma not to be taught, 181-2, 189; righteousness to be taught, 178; test of, 179; to continue through adulthood, 179; true, 178-9.

Effectiveness, measured by smear tactics, 251, 309.

Egotism, national, 433.

Egyptus, discovers Egypt, 488.

Election, doctrine of, 157.

Elections: See Voting.

Emancipation Proclamation, a military necessity, 490.

Emerson, 63.

Emigres, political, 474.

Encroachments, gradual, 80, 103, 145.

Entangling Alliances, Founding Fathers warn against, 432; should be avoided, 431; U.N. and N.A.T.O. are, 438.

Equality, a favorite term, 165; before the law, 505; folly of agitation for, 491; forced, 506; leads to slavery, 163; meaning of, 505-6; teaching of a fraud, 506.

Error, constantly preached, 199; not condoned, 52; public opinion on side of, 199.

Escalation, policy of, 240-1.

Evans, Richard L., 3, 25-6, 370, 484.

Ex-Communists, value of, 244.

Executive Directives, unconstitutional, 91-legislative, 118.

Executive Department, swallows up the 3. Executive Orders, legality of, 91, 374.

Exposure, necessity for, 251, 308, 310.

Extremism, a smear word, 243.

Extremists, described, 277, 302; patriots called, 67, 243, 244.


Fabians, activities of, 304; aid communists, 302-3, 309; penetration of in America, 335-6; Social Democrats are, 333.

Fascism, 155, 223; assumes status of religion, 39; called Red Fascism, 302, 304; may be judged by freedom standard, 29.

Fascist, a smear word, 285.

Facts: Also see News.

Facts, government withholding of, 437; great need for, 437; people must have, 264.

Faith, first essential of peace, 485; lack of an ominous threat, 428; to be taught in schools, 183.

Family Allowances, 362.

Fanatics, a smear word, 249.

Fear, inhibits clear thinking, 440; key to conquest of, 429; Lord warns against, 428; righteous preparation removes, 428; Satan’s weapon, 428.

Federal Aid, a dangerous illusion, 366; taken from States, 116; to education opposed, 192-5, 378; weakens national character, 345.

Federal Bureau of Investigation, function of, 247; smeared, 251.

Federa1 Communications Commission, edict of, 286.

Federal Government, source of funds of, 116.

Federal Insurance, 364. [p. 567]

Federalist, The, recommended, 307.

Fellers, Bonner, 439, 444.

Fellow Travelers, communists helped by, 296.

Finland, invasion of, 475.

First Presidency, 1, 54, 211-8, 379, 480, 485, 495-6, 496-7, 507.

Flag, contempt for those who disgrace, 200.

Force: Also see Coercion.

Force, emanates from Lucifer, 136, 405, 414; God does not countenance, 127; rules world today, 137.

Foreign Aid, a subversive plot, 464; finances socialism, 465-6; remaking the world with, 466; strengthens socialist governments, 461; to enemies, 467.

Foreign Influence, foe of Republican Government, 431.

Foreign Loans, none by government, 463; political element in, 463.

Foreign Policy, 431-467; apostasy from isolationism, 432; appeasement not the answer, 439; entangling alliances, 438; escalation, 240-1; inadequacy of, 235-6; makes us hated, 436; mistakes in not inevitable, 280; neutrality policy, 431; principles of isolationism, 434; our tragic, 473; susceptible of abuse, 431; view of Founders not outmoded, 436.

Foreign Policy Research Institute, 445.

Foster, William Z., 335.

Foundation For Economic Education, publishes freedom literature, xvi, 307.

Founding Fathers, inspired, 69; not political tyros, 69; prepared as Moses, 69; raised up by Lord, 73; republic to endure while their ideas prevail, 149.

Four Freedoms, 352.

Fourierism, failure of, 312.

Franklin, Benjamin, 59, 71, 107, 127; advocated p r a y e r at Constitutional Convention, 59.

Free Agency: Also see Choice, Freedom, Liberty.

Free Agency, xi, 134-159; an inalienable right, 135; deprivation of a great crime, 476; essential to salvation, 135; final victory for, 207; fundamental in Gospel structure, 29; gift divine, 135, 138; governments undermine, 137; greatest human right, 132; inseparable from responsibility, 136; measuring rod of, 136, 143, 159, 337; mission to perpetuate, 134; more precious than peace, 155; necessary for salvation, 144; pre-existence of, 136; Satan wars against, 159; taught by Jesus, 136; taxes and, 376; threatened, 136; threats to a justification for war, 476.

Free Enterprise: Also see Capitalism, Economic Freedom.

Free Enterprise, 159-177; d a n g e r o u s trends, 164; Constitution stands for, 167; free agency in business sense, 168; imperfect system, 163; miracle of West Germany, 330; not understood by educators, 164; the only answer, 165; to be taught in schools, 180.

Free Market: See Free Enterprise, Capitalism.

Freedom: Also see Free Agency, Liberty.

Freedom, 134-159; a more weighty principle, 32; a standard for evaluation, 29; a standing rule to live by, 135; Church has stake in 135; consciousness of needed, 177; depends on morality, 148, 150; destroyed in name of freedom, 234; essential for eternal salvation, 39; eternal vigilance needed, 115; evils in name of, 148; Gospel perfect law of, 141; greatest responsibility to defend, 157; how preserved, 152; join crusade for, 200; lost in two ways, 144; misunderstood, 143; more precious than peace, 486; most precious possession, 140; not a gift, 127; political and economic freedom related, 167; preserved by law, 101; rebirth of needed, 151; responsibility to proclaim, 134; schools to preserve, 179; spirit of to prevail, 158; stand up for regardless the cost, 206; teachers to have passionate devotion to, 191; threats to, 137; threatened by accumulation of power, 153; to be taught to children, 146; unknown sacrifices for, 206; U.N. should respect, 461.

Freedom of Press, threatened, 94.

Freedom of Speech, threatened, 94.

Freedom From War, State Department Publication, 305, 444.

Freeman, Mr., 193.

Freeman, The, 139; recommended, 307.

Friedman, Milton, 168, 317, 340.

Frontiers, always new ones to pass, 24.

Fronts, described, 245.

Fulbright, Sen. J. William, criticizes Constitution, 90, 248, 282.

Fundamentals, return to needed, 63.


Gadiantons, communism similar to, 255-6.

General Welfare, Congress and, 342, 344, 346; taxes and, 372.

George, W., 494.

God And Man At Yale, 195.

God, left out of U.N., 456.

Goethe, 199.

Gold, as legal tender, 378. [p. 568]

Goldberg, Justice Arthur J., criticizes Constitution, 188.

Golden Rule, plan of, 413

Goldwater, Sen. Barry, 85, 131, 132, 248.

Gospel, a standard of measurement, 29; helps in all phases of life, 19; perfect law of freedom, 141; to revolutionize world, 53; unites people politically, 52.

Government: Also see State.

Government, administration of, 107-8; angel’s don’t need, 126; an instrument of plunder, 350; cannot guarantee livelihood, 163; Church concerned about, 44; concentration of power in, 114; a dangerous monopoly, 340; degenerates when trusted to rulers, 43; delegation of power to, 341; depends on character of people, 22, 46, 107, 108, 112; depends on religion and morality, 33; duty of to protect but not support, 139, 140, 141, 200, 207, 346, 479; God concerned with, 43; greatest responsibility of, 477; hinders progress, 171; housecleaning in needed, 154; infiltration in, 221, 244-5; instituted of God, 107; least is best, 117; legitimate powers of, 124-5; meddling of, 129; methods of takeover of, 224-5; necessary—not evil, 109; paternalism predicted, 342; perverted by rulers, 108; principles of are old, 23; proper function of, 340-1; property to be protected by, 140, 175; role of referee, 161; servant of people, 25, 368; source of power, 128; sustaining of, 107; thwarts growth, 160; touches all phases of life, 45; true function of, 111; wise and frugal, 161; when evil, 109.

Governmentism, many forms of, 302; tendency towards, 306.

Gradualism, Social Democrats use, 333.

Grant, President Heber J., xvii, xxiv, 90, 101, 174, 202, 380-1, 408-10.

Great Wall of China, breached by treachery, 65; did not protect China, 40.

Grotius, Hugo, 468-9, 471.

Growth, propaganda concerning, 171.

Gullibility, can destroy us, 203.


Hale, Edward Everett, 295

Hamilton, Alexander, 21, 75, 81, 83, 84, 89, 90, 91, 100, 116, 120, 122, 345, 437, 451, 455.

Hamilton, J. W., 120.

Harding, Ralph, President McKay’s letter to, 192-5.

Harper, F. A., 139, 166.

Hate, basis of communism, 217; spirit of, 277-281.

Hayek, F. A., 69, 136, 148, 150, 155, 173, 366, 371, 375.

Hazlitt, Henry, 169, 368, 369, 370.

Henry, Patrick, 119, 138, 149-50, 486; text of speech, 516-8; words of dropped from History books, 195.

Higher Criticism, 223.

Hill, Benjamin, 93, 340.

Hiss, Alger, in Dept. of Agriculture, 305.

History, teach all facts of, American, 183.

Hitler, 217.

Hitlerite, a smear word, 285.

Hocking, William Ernest, 110.

Holman, Frank, 451.

Holy Ghost, a test for avoiding deception, 31; testimony of described, 31; to be withdrawn, 423.

Home, Lord, 458.

Homes, liberty to be taught in, 139, 150.

Honors, some lose salvation in attempt to get, 430; wicked promote for the wicked, 430.

Hoover, Herbert, xxv, 460.

Hoover, J. Edgar, 67, 81, 146, 182, 189, 198, 201, 203, 211, 213, 214, 215, 220, 222, 225, 229, 233, 234, 237, 243, 244, 245, 249, 251, 255, 258, 261, 262, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 281, 285, 288, 289, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 304, 308, 310, 311, 400, 420, 460, 468, 488, 508

Housecleaning, coming to world, 427.

House, Colonel, 95, 434.

House Committee on Judiciary, 492.

House Committee On Un-American Activities, literature of, 308-9.

House of Representatives, 192, 200.

Human Destiny, 146.

Human Rights: Also see Rights.

Human Rights, free agency is greatest of, 132; property rights are, 131.

Humanitarians, schemes of, 312, 346.

Hume, David, 76.

Hunt, Dr. Carew, authority on communism, 303.

Hunter, Edward, 211, 212, 218, 240; a good authority, 218.


Icarians, settled at Nauvoo, 313.

Idleness, linked with evil, 383.

Idler, don’t give to, 386.

Immigration, Kremlin invades America by, 222, 316.

Impeachment, 128; a constitutional procedure, 124; a scare-crow, 122.

Inalienable Rights: Also see Rights. [p. 569]

Inalienable Rights, 127, 135, 187; fundamental to happiness, 138-9; inherent in man, 156; preceded government, 111; reason for, 142; sacredly upheld by Church, 24; superior to legislation, 156.

Incentive, loss of leads to slavery, 164-5.

Income Tax, development of, 373.

Independence, spirit of, 387.

Indianapolis Star, 62.

Individual, importance of, 25; state exists for, 137; state versus, 318; supreme worth of, 24.

Individualism, merit of, 173.

Individuality, importance of, 110.

Inferiority Complex, a serious problem, 295.

Inflation, a concealed tax, 369; deliberate deficits, 367; government immorality, 368; government always responsible for, 371; a great swindle, 369; not inevitable, 370; not new, 77; serious threat of, 368; vote buying scheme, 370.

Influence, Church to preserve freedom by using, 135; our duty to gain, 46-47; Priesthood to use, 262; self-improvement influences others, 47; a single man may arrest calamity by using, 46.

Informed, necessity for becoming, 261, 264, 274, 311.

Informed Public, to be trusted, 417; wisdom of, 110.

Inge, Dean, 339.

Inheritance Tax, 374.

Initiative, character destroying by taking away, 25.

Insidious Influences, within, 149.

Integrity, an anchor 40; free government depends upon, 33-4; more important than talent, 37; strength of a nation, 42.

Intellectuals, responsible for loss of freedom, 67, 168; used by communists, 262.

Intelligences, organized before creation, 499.

Inter-collegiate Socialist Society, 336.

Inter-marriage, God forbids, 495.

Internal Threat, labor monopolies are, 415; Lincoln’s view on, 62; our greatest danger is, 51, 248; Prophets warn against, 256; reformers are, 317; seriousness of, 275, 299-300; socialist-communist alliances are, 336.

Internationalists, decry patriotism, 196.

Investigating Committees, attacked by communists, 243, 289; necessity for, 308.

Investigations, deception and demagoguery unmasked by, 200; effectiveness of, 251; housecleaning needed, 154.

Invisible Government, leads to tyranny, 92, 318.

Invisible Government. The, recommended, 302.

Invisible Hand, guides free enterprise, 172.

Isocrates, 108.

Isolationism, apostasy from, 432-4; principles of, 434-6; 474.

Israel, enslaved for security, 347.

Ivins, Anthony W., 87-8, 198-9, 342.


Jaredites, why fell, 113.

Jay, John, 69.

Jefferson, Thomas, 21, 41, 43, 51, 80, 93, 99, 114, 118, 122, 123, 125, 128, 134, 140, 141, 145, 161, 169, 177, 202, 250, 341, 345, 368, 372, 451, 495.

Jenner Committee, 244.

Jesus Christ, must not be forsaken, 38, 58.

Jethro, 6.

John Birch Society, 205, 271; Church not opposing, 292; communist attack on, 289-92; described, 292-3; investigation of, 290-1; methods of, 291-2; most effective non- Church organization, 293-4; not political, 293; statement concerning Test-ban Treaty, 443.

Johnson, General Hugh, 85.

Johnson, Manning, 301, 489, 492, 494.

Jordan, Virgil, 306.

Jordan, William George, 174.

Joseph, enslaved Egypt, 323.

Judiciary: Also see Supreme Court.

Judiciary, engine of consolidation, 99; function of, 123; irresponsibility of, 123; Jefferson’s prediction concerning, 41; should be independent, 122; subtly undermine Constitution, 82, 122.

Justice, fundamental to enduring society, 24; lawful force, 111.

Justinian Code, advocated statism, 84.


Kant, 155.

Kershner, Howard E., 185, 258, 335.

Keynes At Harvard, 195.

Khrushchev, 218, 330, 332.

Kimball, Heber C., 4, 31.

Kimball, Spencer W., 4-5, 39-41, 64-6, 347-8, 401-3, 424-5.

Kings, why not desired, 110.

Kirk, Russell, 158.

Knowledge, great need for, 151, 310; need for concerning communism, 295; people destroyed for lack of, 30; safety of na- [p. 570]


Labor: Also see Work.

Labor, higher wages, 410; minimum wage, 418; not to waste time, 147, 148.

Labor Unions: Also see Capital and Labor.

Labors Unions, 172; agitators in aim at destruction and communism, 395, 398-9, 403; coercion used by, 405; dangerous monopolies of, 416; dictators in, 405; educational campaign about needed, 417; endanger America, 405; great social harm by, 404; methods of not endorsed, 393; oppression by, 404; principles to observe, 392; sensible, 391.

Laissez Faire, defined, 167, 171; same as economic freedom, 161.

Landon, Governor, xxiv. Language, manipulation of, 301.

Law, an instrument of plunder, 350; equality before, 505; Lord requires observance of, 201; made for man, 25; mission of, 346; observance of, 101; purpose of, 101; socialism relies on, 331; true function of, 111.

Laws, child labor, 384; not beyond question, 121; to benefit all, 121; too many, 117.

Lawbreakers, no duty to sustain, 201.

Lawyers, haven’t properly defended constitution, 98-9.

Leadership, need for, 120; problem of, 157.

League for Industrial Democracy, 336.

Lee, Harold B., xxv, 11-2, 32, 105, 130, 154-5, 171, 204, 350-1, 352-3, 388-9, 390.

Left ,extreme, 302.

Legislative, pass too many laws, 117; powers of cannot be transferred; 85; principles of, 120; tyranny of feared, 118.

Lenin, 62, 264.

Leontyev, A., 287.

Lethargy, leads to disaster, 311.

Leveling, by compulsion, 313-4, 319.

Lex Regia, concept of, 94.

Liberals, aid communists, 279, 287, 296, 335, 338; are anti-anti-communists, 286; are anti-super-patriots, 250; compulsive spenders, 132; criticize Benson talk, 294; description of, 130; don’t respect constitution, 133; duped by communists, 249, 280, 285; fight anti-communists, 285; have same goal as communists, 287; parrot communist line, 277; prepare way for socialists, 352; pushing us toward communism, 283; responsible for America’s peril, 279; see virtue in communism, 276; tactics of, 250; undermine constitution, 96.

Libertarian, described, 130.

Liberty: Also see Free Agency, Freedom.

Liberty, 134-159; American, 516; bartered away, 219; cause of, 137; danger to, 164, -death or, 138; de-fined, 146-7; dependent on security of property, 174; dependent on morality, 33; destruction of planned, 125, 226; destroyed by consolidation, 80, 92; endangered, 89; essential to happiness, 135; eternal vigilance required, 153; extreme form of, 115; gift of God, 141, 143; guaranteed by Bill of Rights, 140; how lost, 127; law of right, 147; lost by breaking commandments, 343; lost by trusting rulers, 119; love of is our strength, 138, 476; mainspring of human progress, 150; man free to choose, 134; meaning of, 101, 134; no new discoveries in idea of, 23; not license, 147; obedience to inner law, 148; preservation of an urgent need, 135; price of, 149; purchased with blood, 71; revolution of, 150; self-government vital to, 125; shackles being put on, 145; spark of cannot be extinguished, 142; standard of, 152; standard of needed, 150; subverted by ambitious rulers, 145; thing of spirit, 143; thorough understanding of needed, 166; title of, 151; to be deprived of is worse than death, 487; to be taught in homes, 150; to ultimately prevail, 158; vote for those who sustain, 47; war is dreaded enemy of, 468; where Spirit of Lord is, 158.

License, criticising Prophets is, 13.

Lieber, Francis, 470.

Life, an inherent right, 138; purpose of, 179, 206.

Life Line, 195.

Lincoln, 101, 138, 175, 323, 391, 476, prediction of, 229-30.

Liquidation, communist plans for, 222, 232-3.

Living Oracles, counsel of is a standard, 30; more important than written word, 9.

Locke, John, 85, 93, 101, 135, 175, 388, 506.

Love, greatest force in world 25. Lowell, James Russell, 149, 182.

Loyalty: Also see Patriotism.

Loyalty, 196-207; justifies war, 476.

Loyalty Oaths, signing of, 201.

Lucifer, xii. Lyons, Eugene, 265.


MacDonald, Ralph, 191. [p. 571]

McKay, President David O., xvi, xviii, xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, xxix, 4, 34-5, 41, 42; 52; 54, 67-8, 90, 100-1, 109-10, 117, 134, 135-7, 137-9, 139-41, 142-4, 145-6, 147-8, 148-50, 155-9, 162, 167, 173-5, 177, 178, 179; 180-1, 184-8, 191, 192-5, 197-8, 199, 200; 203, 207-8, 215-9, 229, 230-1, 233-5, 258, 311, 320-1, 337-8, 346-7, 368, 410-1, 414, 415, 425-8, 475-7, 484-5, 487, 497-502, 509

Madison, James, 29, 70, 71, 73, 82, 83, 88, 92, 103, 104, 111, 112, 113, 124, 125, 126, 145, 342, 346, 372, 431, 441, 450, 468.

Maginot Line, no real protection, 40, 65.

Mainspring, liberty is, 150.

Mainspring of Human Progress, recommended, 308.

Majority, tyranny of, 112-3.

Malcontents, alien, 316.

Malik, Charles, 280.

Man, worth of a measuring rod, 155.

Manion, Clarence, 329.

Manufactures, should be free, 177.

Marriage, purpose for, 509.

Marshall, General George C., tragic role of, 266.

Marshall, John, xxiv. Marx, Karl, described, 216-7.

Marxism, advocated by many, 314; oppose with freedom, 152.

Mason, George, 74.

Masters of Deceit, recommended, 308.

Materlinck, 499-500.

Memorandum on the Monroe Doctrine. XVlll. Merrill, Joseph F., 45, 48-9, 49-50, 171-2, 202, 328-9, 404-5, 411-4, 415-8.

Mexico, copied our constitution, 75.

Middle-of-Road, a delusion, 152, 485; fallacy of, 321.

Military, appeal to a sign of decay, 494.

Military Service, 480.

Military Spending, reduction of is communist party line, 243.

Mill, John Stuart, 94, 155, 182, 206, 342, 357, 377, 390.

Milton, John, 141, 143, 382.

Minimum Wage, a cruel hoax, 419; cause mass. . . . unemployment, 419; discussed, 418.

Ministers, promote communism, 249.

Misery, a result of misconduct, 344.

Mises, Ludwig von, 160, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 246, 286, 321, 343, 379, 410, 419.

Mission, to be free, 134.

Mob, clamor of, 103; tyranny of, 112.

Monopoly, dangers of, 415; government, 340; labor, 415.

Monroe Doctrine, an inspired policy, 446; declaration of, 432; runs against European power, 449; our retreat from, 243; should be invoked in Cuba, 449; strengthened by other agreements, 450; text of, 550; why formulated, 447.

Montesquieu, 134.

Moore, John Bassett, xxiv. Moral Force, none left in world, 453.

Morality, 33-41; an individual matter, 36; a standard, 30; collapse of, 427; dependent on religion, 33; downfall of nations from lack of, 40; grows under freedom, 150; lack of brings destruction, 112; lack of in America, 66; lack of in public life, 36-7; more important than intellect, 36; must harmonize with eco nomics, 28; necessary to Republican government, 108; no new discoveries in, 23; no two sides to, 441; not legislated, 39, 108; principles of never change, 324; should be test for political office, 37; test of right or wrong, 22.

Moreell, Admiral Ben, 131, 339, 340.

Morgenthau Plan, barbaric nature of, 470, 473.

Mormonism, Negro and, 488-506.

Moroni, fought for liberty, 151-2.

Morrow, Ambassador, xxiv. Mortality, purpose of, 146.

Moyle, Henry D., 49, 119, 144, 347, 349-50, 376-7, 503.

Mullendore, W. C., 337.

Murder, punishment for, 507.

Murderer, shall die, 507.


N.A.A.C.P., hate complex of, 494.

Naked Communist, The, endorsed by President McKay, 255, 308; recommended, 308; referred to, 217.

Name-Calling, mistake of, 262.

Napoleon, story about, 328.

Napoleonic Code, advocated statism, 84.

National Anthem, pay tribute to, 201.

National Heroes, maligned, 201.

National Review, 459.

NATO, an entangling alliance, 438-9.

NRA, 85.

Nazism, 223; Black Fascism, 302; judge by freedom standard, 29.

Negro, 488-506; abolitionists condemned, 489; a national problem, 494; Church and, 503-5; communists exploit, 488; curse not yet removed from, 506; descendants from Ham, 488; entitled to rights, 494; folly of agitation for equality, 491; God forbids intermarriage, 495; [p. 572]
      integration and education, 494; mark of Cain, 488; Northerners seek to use, 492; not entitled to full blessings of Gospel, 496; objectors to Church position, 496; official Church position, 496; pre-existence and, 497; Priesthood and, 497; priority target of communism, 298; problem of a state matter, 490; reason for dark skin, 497; someday to hold Priesthood, 502; status unchanged, 502.

Neighbor-Love, principle of, 162.

Neutrality, doctrine of, 432, 469; not possible, 440; only dupes assume, 295.

New Deal, false philosophy of, 328.

New Dealers, don’t respect constitution, 133.

New England Primer, 185.

New Frontier, objectives of are socialistic, 331.

News: Also see Facts.

News, management of, 306, 437.

Niemeyer, Gerhart, 266, 275.

Nihilism, contrary to Gospel, 219; in Europe, 219-20.

North Atlantic Treaty, impairs U. S. sovereignty, 439.

Nuclear Testing, a fear producer, 445; communist line concerning, 243.

Nuremberg, will condemn us, 471.


Oaths, Gadiantons use, 256.

Obedience, needed, 18; not to be blind, 31; the higher law, 33.

Old Age, a duty to provide for, 358; benefit payments, 361.

Olds, Irving, 118.

Oliver, Revilo, 243, 277, 288.

Opitz, Edmund A., 147, 152, 157.

Opportunity, implies an obligation, 24.

Organizations, effectiveness measured by smears, 309; John Birch Society most effective of, 293-9; joining of, 204, 262-3, 270; join right-to-work league, 413; need for, 205, 309; non-Church, 204; opposition of liberals to, 205; smeared, 250-1; to be aided, 32.

Oswald, behavior of, 275.

Otepka, firing of, 306.


Paganism, communism is, 231-3; under one head, 232.

Pagans, we act like, 453.

Paine, Thomas, 134.

Paramount Issue, creeping socialism is, 237, 261.

Parents, honoring of, 388; misunderstand academic freedom, 298.

Parties, avoid over-zealousness, 103; clamor of, 118; loyalty to constitution, 51; no longer adhere to principles, 49-50; our duty transcends allegiance to, 52; result from mal- administration, 46.

Paternalism, predicted, 342.

Patriot, a good word, 146.

Patriotism: Also see Loyalty.

Patriotism, 196-208; allegiance to constitution, 60, 198; a duty to speak out 198-9; a responsibility to guard nation, 197; a sacred trust, 197; a wide movement, 250; defined, 153; dependent on religion and morality, 33; desperately needed, 106, 198, 201, 273, 299, 311; extraordinary acts needed, 199; join crusade from freedom, 200; lack of or stupidity? 235; means to stand by coun- [[[ missing text ]]]]] 67; schools to instill, 179; supersedes party loyalty, 197; today, 130; true, 196; decried by internationalists, 196.

Patriots, all are anti-communist, 247; attempts to silence, 283-4; courageous, 205; join with, 270; must expect criticism, 250; needed today, 273; no place in America for part-time, 311; take long eternal look, 207; unknown, 206; we must look to, 270.

Peace, a gift of God, 480; comes from within, 482; communist meaning of, 218, 301; efforts useless without righteousness, 481; erroneous efforts for, 482; faith is first essential of, 485; freedom more precious than, 486; neutrality brought, 433; must be earned, 484; none at any price, 486; none in compromising principles, 484; not legislated, 482; price of, 153; repentance or destruction, 483-4; righteousness brings, 484; war and, 468-487; wisdom of wise perish, 480; won’t come until Babylon destroyed, 481-2.

Peace Corps, officially encourage socialism, 466.

Peaceful Co-existence, a formula for communist conquest, 297, 299, 303, 441; a propaganda slogan, 303-4; communist party line, 243; impossibility of, 441; means surrender, 441.

Pearl of Great Price References, 216, 488-9, 499, 501.

Pearson, Glenn L., 11, 423, 496.

Penn, William, 33, 46.

Penrose, Charles W., 314-6, 477-9, 508.

Pensions, old age, 357.

People’s World, 289, 291. [p. 573]

Persecution, foreseen if liberty lost, 89; predicted, 233.

Petersen, Mark E., 3-4, 19, 167-9, 384, 405-6, 420, 439-40.

Petro, Sylvester, 404, 405, 409, 417.

Pharaoh, cursed pertaining to Priesthood, 489.

Philanthropists, schemes of, 313, 346.

Picket Line, not liberty, 148.

Pilgrims, flee to America, 252; foreseen by Nephi, 57.

Pincers Movement, to destroy America, 453.

Pioneers, enduring standards of, 24.

Planned Economy, same as socialism, 257; why advocated, 165.

Platforms, comparison of, 329; none but truth and virtue, 46; should be stated and carried out, 49.

Plato, 115, 228.

Plunder, defined, 377; government an agency of, 347, 350; legalized, 377.

Poirot, Paul L., 365.

Poland, takeover of, 475.

Political Affairs, 333.

Political Creed, 128-9.

Political Truth, related to religious truth, 27.

Politician, a definition, 48.

Politician, The, 293.

Politicians, lack principle, 154; menace nation’s safety, 50-1; not truthful, 50; office- hungry, 328-9; power seekers, 50; type needed, 310-1, 408, 418.

Politics, a standard for, 29; change in due to religious decline, 39; Church not in, 18; God must lead in, 44; Gospel should unite us in, 52-3; ignores moral values, 37; Joseph Smith on, 46; morality of depends on religion, 28; no longer based on principles, 49; no revelation concerning, 46; our duty to study, 43; political vengeance, 95; position of Church, 52; principles of depend on morality, 40; replaces religion, 39; spiritual welfare and, 44.

Poor, wo unto, 379.

Possony, Stefan T., 266, 268, 271, 274, 276, 296, 297, 301, 304, 440, 444, 445.

Power, abuse of, 103; abused by majorities, 112; concentration of, 114; danger of, 317; delusion of confidence in men, 341; feeds on power, 188; generally abused, 112; love of, 91; tend to corrupt, 119.

Pratt, Orson, 4, 21.

Pratt, Parley P., 76, 108.

Prayer, advocated by Franklin, 59; to be taught in homes, 186.

Pre-existence, Negro and, 497.

Preparedness: Also see Disarmament.

Preparedness, secures peace, 442; spiritual, 445.

President (Church), has right to direct in all things, 14; may speak on any subject, 30; never has fallen, 30; only man to speak for Church, 30; words of are scripture, 30; words of a test for deception, 30.

President (U.S.) assassination of, 268, 275; to be non-partisan, 48, 118, 119; war powers of, 96; wisdom of short terms, 118.

Pressman, Lee, in Dept. of Agriculture, 305.

Prestige, American, 437.

Price Fixing, not new, 77.

Price Supports, 177.

Priesthood, challenge to, 251-264; Negro and, 497; not confined to books, 9; things to do, 261-3; to set own house in order, 263.

Principles, departure from leads to misery, 21, 278; discarded, 426; endure eternally, 40, 390; freedom is among the more weighty, 32; great need for today, 34; life’s decisions should be based on, 206; needed in politics, 48-49; never change, 21-24, 324; standards and, 23-32.

Private Ownership, necessary to civilization, 160.

Professors, value of to communists, 300; some study error more than truth, 14.

Profit Sharing, need, 394.

Profits, necessity for, 171-2.

Progress, fundamental principles of, 160; hindered by government, 171.

Promise, sacredness of a, 24.

Propaganda, campaign of, 296, 329.

Property, confiscation of, 318-9, 333; desire for God-given, 175; desirability of, 391; government to protect, 107, 140, 346; has no rights, 175; right and control of, 139, 157-8.

Property Rights, are human rights, 131, 158; essential to liberty, 174; sacred, 139; threatened, 174.

Prophets, duty-bound to speak out, 281; heed words of, 3; listening ear needed to hear, 256, 425; message of always offends people, 11; modern attitude toward, 11; seldom popular, 3; students study words of, 14; when speaks as such, 5

Prophets, Principles and National Survival, an excellent book, 14.

Prophetic Voice, how recognized, 7.

Prosperity, dependent on righteousness, 33, 160; not produced by discouraging thrift, 25. [p. 574]

Protection, righteousness brings, 429.

Public Conscience, there is none, 110.

Public Housing, slums caused by, 346.

Public Opinion, on side of error, 199.

Public Ownership, communists promote, 335.

Public Welfare, fallacies of, 361.

Purchasing Power, 172.

Puritans, foreseen by Nephi, 57.


Race, against time, 295.

Racial Conflict, communists stir up, 489.

Rafferty, Dr. Max, 195.

Randolph, 71.

Rationalism, 223.

Rauschning, Herman, 217.

Reactionaries, resist change, 131; who are, 247, 326.

Read, Leonard E., 40, 47, 69, 79, 109, 143; 146, 151, 157, 179, 244, 314, 320, 322; 347, 355, 371, 403.

Reason, most important equipment of man, 379.

Red Baiter, a smear word, 285.

Red Carpet, socialism is, 330.

Red Cross, 464.

Reformation, crying need for, 109.

Reformers, threat from, 317.

Refugees, political, 472.

Rehabilitation, of murderers, 508.

Religion, 33-41; country never gets ahead of, 37-8; creeds not to be taught in schools, 181-2; decline of changes politics, 39; defined by James, 162; in weakened condition today, 36; nation’s destiny depends on, 38; necessary for morality, 33; our government rests on, 37; only sure foundation of society, 34; power over left to states, 187; worst kind of, 182.

Repentance, great need for, 64, 427; message of, 483.

Republic, America is a, 111; described, 111, 178, 180; least imperfect government, 111; safety of depends on homes, 150; true foundation of, 140; tyranny of, 112, 451.

Resistance, spirit of, 202.

Responsibility, assuming of p r e v e n t s troubles, 430; every right implies, 24; implies freedom, 157; inseparable with free agency, 136; our greatest, 157; personal, 154; preservation of freedom is greatest, 134.

Retired Generals, value of to communists, 300.

Retirement, old age payments, 358.

Revelation, only President receives Church, 8.

Revolution, of liberty, 150; period of, 426; world wide, 220.

Revolutionists: Also see Communism.

Revolutionists, aided by taxes, 375; alien concepts of, 220; flocked to America from Europe, 220; methods of takeover, 224-5; plans of, 220-2; stop at nothing, 222, technique of, 213.

Revolutionary Thought, two systems of, 223.

Revolutionary War, foreseen by Nephi, 57; inspired, 69; not an armed conflict, 69; predicted, 252.

Rich, wo unto, 379.

Richards, Stephen L, 13-4, 36-7, 63-4, 66-7, 141-2, 169-71, 172-3, 182-4, 204-5, 343, 361, 381-2, 456, 466, 509-11.

Richberg Donald R., 416.

Right, extreme, 302; principles of don’t change, 23; test of is standard, 21.

Righteousness, brings true prosperity, 160; brings peace, 484; only protection from invasion, 40.

Rights: Also see Inalienable Rights.

Rights, all are human, 158; are sacred, 135; false concern for, 120; free agency is inalienable, 135; foundation of, 142; God given, 134; government to secure, 134-5; implies responsibility, 24, 149; inalienable, 127; Negro entitled to, 494; our duty to maintain, 156; taken away by consolidation, 92; tampered with, 122; unalienable, 187.

Right-to-work, attitude of Church, 410; denial of, 414; God given, 409; to be preserved, 157.

Right-To-Work Laws, favored, 414; need for, 412.

Right Wing, advance on, 328.

Right Wing Extremists, a smear word, 249.

Robbery, a species of, 313-4; legal, 347; punishment for, 507.

Rogge, Benjamin, 161.

Roman Empire, fall of described, 77, 113.

Romney, Marion G., xxiv, 4, 10-11, 41-2, 159, 235-6, 457-8, 485-6.

Roosevelt, Archibald, 316.

Roosevelt, Theodore, 196.

Root, Professor E. Merrill, 195.

Rosenberg, Ethel & Julius, traitors, 460.

Rosseau, 228.

Restow, Walt Whitman, expresses dangerous viewpoint, 305; demands end of nationhood, 282; writes book, 305.

Rothbard, Murray N., 324. [p. 575]

Rousselot, John, writes to President McKay, 294.

Rulers, not to be absolute, 110; not to be trusted, 119; to be righteous, 103.

Russell, Dean, 128, 144, 166, 177, 340, 341, 360, 459.

Russell, William F., 230.

Russia, recognition of, 265; should not deal with, 235, 444.

Rutledge, Archibald, 386.


Sabotage, of American Code of God, 67; why not used, 225.

Safety, God will fight battles, 66; not dependent on armaments alone, 64.

Salt Lake Tribune, 213.

Satterfield, John C., 339, 492, 493.

Savonarola, 138.

Schlesinger, Arthur, advocates socialism, 286, 306.

School Boards, misunderstand academic freedom, 298.

Schools: Also see Education.

Schools, a preparation for continuous education, 179; federal aid to, 194; history texts drop great phrases, 195; hotbeds for un-American theories, 190; must be non- denominational, 186; noblest purpose of, 186; so-called building shortage, 193-4; to maintain a reverence for Deity, 180; to preserve freedom, 179; to teach faith in God, 183; to teach immunity against untruth, 180; true purpose of, 179; turning out increasing number schooled in amorality, relativity, atheism, 195.

Schwarz, Fred, 181, 205, 215, 231, 232, 262, 303, 305, 440; a true friend of freedom, 308.

Science, fostered by freedom, 152.

Scripture, words of Prophets are, 8.

Scriptures, must be diligently studied, 30.

Secret Combinations, foreseen by Moroni, 256-7; labor and capital, 220; LDS should avoid, 258; must be destroyed, 257; ominous of evil, 219; predicted by Joseph Smith, 219, 253.

Secularism, communism not defeated by, 288.

Security, genuine, 390; Israel enslaved for, 347; lies within us, 128; not established on borrowed money, 25.

Security Program, devil advocates, 255.

Self-Control, liberty dependent on, 33.

Self-defense, individual right of, 111.

Self-Government, dependent on stabilized character, 38; personal, 126; political experiments rest on, 125; principles of, 126; trust in, 128; vital to liberty, 124.

Self-Reliance, necessity for, 174.

Senate Internal Security Sub-committee, 190, 221, 244, 247, 249, 284, 462; literature of, 308-9.

Sennholz, Hans, 161, 171, 419, 461, 466.

Sermon On Mount, declared outmoded, 91; principles of, 436.

Servant, government should be, 25, 117.

Shaw, George Bernard, 334.

Sickness, sin is, 423.

Side Issues, to be avoided, 310.

Silver, as legal tender, 378.

Slavery, age old, 320, 351; a state matter, 490; by misuse of freedom, 148; Civil War not fought over, 490; defined, 327; deliberate plan of, 145; how acquired in democracy, 164; how determined, 351; legalized, 347; search for economic se curity leads to, 165; shortcut to, 166; socialism involves, 316, 327; to the state, 144.

Sleep, awaken from, 209.

Slow Down, in production is evil, 353-4.

Slums, people cause, 346.

Smear, character assassination, 285; used against effective organizations, 309; tool of communists, 250-1.

Smith, Adam, 160, 172, 318.

Smith, Bradford B., 376.

Smith, President George Albert, xvii, xxiv, 51, 100, 343-4, 421, 423-4, 427, 429-30, 484.

Smith, Hyrum, 48.

Smith, Prophet Joseph, vi, xi, xvii, xxi, xxvii, 5, 9, 46-7, 50, 73, 86, 107, 118-9, 119-20, 154, 197, 261, 425, 441, 490-2, 506.

Smith, President Joseph F., xvii, 19, 108-9, 124, 147, 148, 196-7, 201-2, 361, 385, 391-3, 406, 512, 513.

Smith, Joseph Fielding, xxii, xxiii, 8, 37-8, 104, 191, 446-7, 494-5, 502-3, 503-5, 507-8, 512-4.

Smoot, Dan, 245, 250, 283, 320, 346, 358, 375, 437, 453, 454, 460, 465, 467, 490; book by, 302.

Snow, Erastus, 122.

Snow, Lorenzo, xvii, 419.

Sobell, Morton, traitor, 460.

Social Democrats, a branch of Marxism, 332; activities of, 332-7; Lenin’s party, 303.

Social Gains, how measured, 131.

Social Planners, false prophets, 171.

Social Welfare, communists promote, 243; legalized thievery, 355.

Socialism: Also see Communism, Welfare State.

Socialism, 312-341; a diabolical plan, 322; agitating and plotting in Europe, 219-20; aims at complete paternalism, 314; [p. 576]

America faces great crisis, 337-8; an age-old slavery, 320; a regimented America, 323; a revolutionary system, 223-4; a species of robbery, 313-4; brought from Old World, 313; Brigham Young criticizes, 312; by due process of law, 331; closely related to communism, 168, 236-7, 259-61, 287, 303, 330, 333, 336, 398; compulsory collectivism, 339; creeping, 330, 342-378; defined, 260; denial of private property, 315, 321; Fabianism in America, 33, 5-6; fails at Nauvoo, 312; fallacies of, 317; false new deal philosophy, 328; financed by inflation, 371; freedom or slavery issue, 327; guaranteed livelihood’, 163; hostile to Christianity, 227-8; incompatible with Mormonism, 261; involves slavery, 316, 327; Joseph Smith opposed, 261; like dumb sheep, 323; many forms of, 302; meaning of, 321; measurement of, 322; New Frontier is, 331; real dangers ahead, 338; revolutionary methods of, 321; same technique as in ancient Egypt, 323; soul destroying land of, 338; state slavery, 303; the issue we face, 321, 324; tyranny in disguise, 321; uses coercion, 315; welfare state is, 329, 331; wholesale robbery and tyranny, 314-6.

Socialized Medicine, not new, 77.

Social Security, an instrument for redistribution of income, 366; a tax levy, 365; deceptive and dishonest, 366; socialistic, 364; unconstitutional, 365.

Something-For-Nothing, no such thing as, 149, 350; spirit of, 348-50; world owes no man a living, 24.

South America, conquest of, 303.

Sovereignty, gradual surrender of, 273; impairment of, 438-9; impaired by U.N., 455; rests in people, 84; surrender of, 452.

Speaking Out, Church leaders criticized for, 281.

Spencer, Herbert, 148, 160, 316, 327, 344, 351, 352.

Spender, Sir Percy, 234.

Spies, leave to F.B.I., 247.

Spirit of God, a test for avoiding deception, 31; necessity for, 312; testifies whether leaders inspired, 8.

Spirits, birth of, 500-1.

Spiritual, all things are, 14; connected with temporal, 14; temporal or, 14-19; world’s problem is, 427.

Spirituality, 33-41; awakening of needed, 34; greatest need in world, 42, 235.

Stalin, 335; killed millions, 141, 142.

Stand Fast By Our Constitution, recommended, 463.

Standard, for political matters, 29; freedom is a, 29; God gives true, 21; Gospel is the, 21; test of right or wrong, 21; this is the, 26.

Standards, enduring ones of pioneers, 24; principles and, 21-32.

Standard Works, a test for avoiding deception, 30.

Stans, Maurice, 370.

Stapley, Delbert L.. 106. Star Spangled Banner, text of, 523.

Stars & Stripes, be true to, 487.

State: Also see Government.

State, Church and, 43-54; defined, 318; exists for individual, 137, 235; function of, 137; individual versus, 318; servant of people, 117; to protect rights, 200, 477; two hands of, 117.

States, deprived of powers, 114; responsibility of, 115, 366.

States Rights, an exclusive delegation, 83; described, 124-5; numerous and indefinite, 124; proclaimed by constitution, 116; states may act or not act, 85.

Statesmen, crying need for, 48, 310-1, 408; described, 49.

Statism, communism and socialism are, 327; defined, 320; described, 329; Justinian and Napoleonic Codes were, 84; operation of, 318-20.

Story, Joseph, 187.

Strachey, John, 260.

Straus-Hupe, 235, 240, 445.

Strikes, an age of barbarism, 407; a revolutionary method of takeover, 225; communists use of, 406; labor’s enemy, 406; no moral sanction for, 403, 405; uncivilized, 406.

Strong, weakening of does not strengthen weak, 24.

Subsidy, opposed by church, 378; taxpayer pays, 343.

Subversion, campaign of, 200; oppose influence of, 200.

Suffer Little Children, 195.

Sumner, William Graham, 149, 171, 318, 346.

Super-Patriots, a great need for, 299; a smear word, 249.

Supreme Court: Also see Judiciary.

Supreme Court, criticized, 187-8; criticized by President McKay, 41; decisions favorable to communists, 267; decisions undermine constitution, 122; extreme political ideas of, 122; leading America down road to Atheism, 187, 267; not revered above constitution, 121; prayer decision criticized, 184; punch holes in [p. 577]
      constitution, 267; reports of used by Canada, 75; ruling of violates constitution, 185; severs connection between schools and God, 185; tampered with, 122; usurps power, 188.

Surrender, American, 303.

Survival of Fittest, dangerously misleading term, 161.

Sutherland, George, 175.

Sword, take up against neighbor, 102.

Sylvester, Arthur, 437.

Sympathizers, helping communists, 296, 300.


Taft, Senator Robert W., 133, 460.

Taft-Hartley Law, protects workers, 416.

Talmage, James E., xxiii. Taxes, aid revolutionists, 375; confiscatory, 319; excessive anciently, 77; inheritance, 374; power to destroy, 376; reduction of, 377; road to tyranny, 372; unconstitutional, 376; uniform, 376.

Taylor, President John, xvii, xxvii, 17, 42, 43-4, 53, 55, 76, 83-4, 99-100, 102-3, 111-2, 119, 120-1, 134-5, 156-7, 159, 175, 219, 312, 313-4, 379-80, 481.

Teachers: Also see Education.

Teachers, academic license of, 191; ideal type described, 191; not to be communists, 190-1; potent influence of, 186, 191; public servants, 190; salaries ‘of, 192-3; to be loyal to constitution, 186, 190; to have passionate devotion to freedom, 191; within Church who court apostasy, 195.

Temporal, inseparably connected with spiritual, 30; spiritual or, 14-19.

Temporal Affairs, leaders have right to direct, 14-19; revelations on, 17.

Ten Commandments, xvii, basic to laws of civilized world., 26, 377; declared outmoded, 91; greatest document of individual freedom, 27; liberty lost by breaking, 343; no nation perishes that keeps, 27; political concepts of, 27; text of, 515.

Tests, for avoiding deception, 30.

Theft, punishment for, 507.

Theodosian Code, 77, 95; welfare state derived from, 344.

Theories, not to be used as standard, 21.

This Week Magazine, surveys g r e a t phrases dropped from History books, 195.

Thoreau, Henry D., 117, 171.

Thoughts, man responsible for, 136-7.

Thrift, discouragement of doesn’t produce prosperity, 25.

Thurmond, Senator Strom, 248, 331, 458.

Time, a race against, 295; evils of wasting, 353; not to be wasted, 147; real capital, 175.

Title of Liberty, 151.

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 60, 167, 350.

Tolerance, not a surrender of beliefs, 441.

Traitors, nation abounds with, 102.

Treason, archest, 319; defined, 283; punishment for, 507; support of communism is, 212; teacher’s activities are, 190.

Treaties, gullibly signed, 264; ratified by Senate, 82.

Treaty Law, a device to secure participation in world state, 453; cuts across Bill of Rights, 451; intention of constitution concerning, 451; not to change constitution, 451; power-thirst gone mad, 451; some illegal usurpations, 450.

Trends, destructive, 347.

Trial by Jury, 162.

Trials, criticism of post-war, 472.

Truth: Also see Untruth.

Truth, a great need for, 295; always prevails, 4, 141, 306; brings freedom, 140; distortion of, 234; freedom is fundamental to, 26; fundamental to enduring society, 24; knowledge of makes us free, 26; must be repeated again and again, 199; often unpleasant, 295; real advantage of, 206; time on side of, 206.

Tuttle, Charles H., 38.

Two Contending Forces, battling today, 140.

Tyranny, arises from democracy, 115; battle against, 154; constitution only defense against, 375; creeping upon us, 145; defined, 89; disguised, 324; history of, 78, 320; labor unions and, 404; long terms in office lead to, 118; of legislature, 118; subtle nature of, 320; tax road to, 372; world’s greatest, 92, 214.


Unemployment, not the real problem, 172-3.

Unemployment Insurance, 364-5.

Unhappiness, reason for, 426.

UNESCO, infiltrated, 462.

United Nations, xvii, adopted without due consideration, 450, 453; alien concepts of, 460; an entangling alliance, 438; a problem for all citizens, 461; benefits Russia, 455; communist dominated, 462; designed to promote communism, 454; Economic Determinism the God of, 457; failure of, 458; fiscal deficits of, 458; God excluded from, 456-7, 485; impairs [p. 578]

U.S. sovereignty, 450, 455; must respect domestic freedom, 461; not united, 457; some basic defects, 454; wars caused by, 457-8; withdrawal from, 459; world’s biggest fifth column, 460.

United Order, communism is not, 212-3; Lord will establish, 212.

Unity, built on sound principles, 278; Gospel should promote, 52-3; in upholding constitution, 101; need for, 18; rally together on principle, 32.

Untruth: Also see Truth.

Untruth, schools to teach immunity against, 180.

Usurpation, 138, 143, 149, 188; described 93, 128; treaty law is, 450.

Utt, James, 92, 460.


Vacillation, a policy of, 258.

Veale, F. J. P., 470, 472, 473.

Veritas Foundation, 195, 336.

Victory, a great need for, 266.

Vigilance, the price of liberty, 153, 273.

Virtue, free government depends on, 33; necessary in body of people, 28; no government secure without, 29; not the only basis for being promoted by the world, 430.

Votes, pledging of, 202; purchasing of, 224-5.

Voting, a sin to vote for wicked men, 48; key for, 204; obligation of, 202; taxes and, 134, 377; type of men to elect, 37, 47, 54, 199, 203, 310-1; welfare and, 357.


Wages, minimum, 418.

Walker, General, 248.

Walter, Francis E., 441.

War: Also see Cold War, World War II.

War, conditions justifying, 475; defense of liberty justifies, 477; dreaded enemy of liberty, 468; fundamental doctrine of Marxism, 215; military service, 480; now going on, 211, 215, 269, 295-6, 468; peace and, 468-487; principles governing, 468; we must win, 296.

Ward Teaching Message, xxx, 299.

Warnings, leaders justified in giving, 199.

Warren Court, usurps power, 188.

Washington, Booker T., 491.

Washington, George, 28, 33, 49, 57, 59, 80, 87, 112, 116, 431, 442, 452, 541-549.

Washington Evening Star, 184.

Watchmen, Prophets are, 281; to guard against dangers, 13, 104-5.

Watts, V, Orval, 339.

Weak, not strengthened by weakening strong, 24.

Wealth, created by work, 170.

Weaver, Henry Grady, 27, 313, 341.

Webster, Daniel, 34, 59, 88, 104, 108, 142.

Webster, Samuel, 145.

Wedemeyer, General Albert C., 337.

Welch, Robert, testimonial dinner for, 290, 293, 294.

Welfare, 379-90; example of, 385; honoring parents, 388; may be a disservice, 386; permanent help, 25; spirit of independence, 387; voting franchise and, 357.

Welfare Plan, operation of, 384; purpose of, 379.

Welfare State: Also see Socialism.

Welfare State, 342-378, a long step toward communism, 41; abundant life, 350; always a price tag, 350; a question of honesty, 357; a shocking pattern in history, 352; charity to be relied on, 345; communistic idea, 346; congress responsible for, 354; contrary to Ten Commandments, 347; covetousness a sin of, 343; curse of, 349; deliberate deficits, 367; destructive trends, 347; dole complex, 356; eternal principles, 390; fallacies of public welfare, 361; Family Allowances, 362; federal insurance, 364; federal aid, 366; four freedoms, 352; government not eleemosynary, 344; greatest curse today, 347; government trained youth, 367; no alternative to communism, 331; old time slavery, 351; power acquired by, 339; providing for old age, 358; public welfare systems, 360; Roman, 344; same as socialism, 259, 329, 331; Social Security and Unemployment Insurance, 364-5; some-thing-for-nothing spirit, 348; tax road to tyranny, 372; unconstitutional, 358; use constitutional methods, 345; vote buying, 370; weapon for civic debauchery, 345.

Western Europe, neutralization of, 303.

West Germany, miracle of, 330.

Western Nations, headed for destruction, 41.

What They Are Doing To Your Children, 195.

White, Harry Dexter, in Dept. of Agriculture, 305.

Whitney, Orson F., 21, 505-6.

Widtsoe, John A., 5-8, 17-8, 24, 29, 154, 179-80, 428-9, 430, 440-1, 445-6, 482-3.

Wilkinson, Dr. Ernest, 378.

Wilson, James, 80.

Wilson, Woodrow, 95, 283, 434-5. [p. 579]

Winder, George, 457.

Winthrop, Robert C., 126.

Wirthlin, Bishop Joseph L., xxix. Wisdom, mass, 110.

Withdrawal, technique of, 300.

Woodruff, President Wilford, xvii, 9, 497.

Word of Honor, good as a bond, 24.

Work, 379-90; Adam commanded to, 382; all must do share, 383; child labor laws, 384; creates wealth, 170; dignity of, 24; doctrine of, 169; gospel of, 381; honor of, 379; idleness linked with evil, 383; law of earth, 382; principle of Gospel, 380; six days for, 382.

World, ill-balanced, 35; still God’s, 207.

World Government, pincers movement to destroy America, 453; treaty law and, 453; yen for, 305, 450, 452.

World Conditions, 423-30; an old sick world, 423; a revolutionary period, 426; a spiritual problem, 427; housecleaning coming, 427; listening ear needed to hear Prophets, 425; only one hope, 429; perilous times, 428; righteous preparation removes fear, 428.

World War II: Also see War.

World War II, America shares in blame, 474; a sag into barbarism, 470; brought on by communists, 265; German underground in, 472; no reason for our entering, 474; Nuremberg will condemn us, 471; our tragic policies, 473; principles abandoned, 474; tragedy of atom bomb, 471.

Wright, Loyd, 493.

Writers, value of to communists, 300.


You Can Trust the Communists, recommended, 308.

Young, President Brigham, vi, xvii, xix, xx, xxii, xxvi, xxvii, 8-9, 10, 15-7, 18-9, 20, 30, 31, 33-4, 46, 47-8, 50, 52-3, 69, 74-5, 102, 107-8, 112, 113, 117, 118, 119, 142, 147, 157, 175-6, 192, 196, 202, 312, 385-7, 442-3, 467, 480-1, 489-90, 497, 513.

Youth, government trained, 367.

Youth Corps, a dangerous scheme, 367.


Zion, all is well in, 209; Americas are, 75; flee to for safety, 102; many asleep in, 239. [p. 580]

Prophets, Principles and National Survival by Jerreld L. Newquist

      Prophets, Principles and National Survival is a hard-hitting book that is destined to become one of the most crucial volumes of our time. It contains answers by the prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to many of the questions and problems facing the nation today.

      The book is well foot- noted throughout by knowledgeable and distinguished civic and national leaders who corroborate the words of the prophets.

      Some of the timely subjects discussed in the book are: Morality—Spirituality—Religion; Church and State; Free Enterprise and Capitalism; The American Republic; Communism—An International Criminal Conspiracy; The Welfare State—Creeping Socialism; American Foreign Policy; War and Peace; Mormonism and the Negro; Capital Punishment; Birth Control; and many others.

      Prophets, Principles and National Survival will stimulate and enlighten the reader as few books can. It represents the first time that the statements of the Church leaders have been compiled on subjects ‘that are vital to the spiritual and temporal welfare of all loyal Americans.

“We have lost the conflict so far waged. But there is time to win the final victory, if we sense our danger, and fight.”


      . . . from an address entitled “America Faces Freedom-Slavery Issue”


1881 West North Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah [p. 581]

Prophets, Principles and National Survival by Jerreld L. Newquist

      Jerreld L. Newquist is a member of the Seattle Stake High Council and Coordinator of the Seattle Stake Seminaries. Converted to the Church in 1940, he has served in Bishoprics in Oregon and Washington and in the Portland Stake High Priests Presidency.

      Over the years he has done considerable study and research in Political Science. He has developed extensive files containing thousands of references to the words of the Prophets on hundreds of Gospel subjects. His first book, Gospel Truth, was a compilation of the words of President George Q. Cannon.

      A Major in the Air Force, he flew forty-five combat missions during World War II. He is a Captain for United Air Lines, and has piloted their planes the past eighteen years. He and his wife Marie are the parents of six children.

1881 West North Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah

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