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Topic: America, a Choice Land, Matches 4 quotes.



Proclamation Of Christ’s Teachings

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes with the Prophet Lehi that America is a “land of promise, a land choice above all other lands”—a land of liberty unto those who keep the commandments of God. But “if the day shall come that they will reject the Holy One of Israel, the true Messiah, their Redeemer and their God, behold, the judgments of him that is just shall rest upon them.” The Church believes, also, that before the end of wickedness shall come, and wars shall be no more, “this gospel of the Kingdom must be preached to all the world.”

The Constitution of this government was written by men who accepted Jesus Christ as the Savior of mankind. Let men and women in these United States then continue to keep their eyes centered upon Him who ever shines as a Light to all the world. Men and women who live in America, “the land of Zion,” have a responsibility greater than that yet borne by any other people. Theirs the duty, the obligation to preserve not only the Constitution of the land but the Christian principles from which sprang that immortal document.

Source: President David O. McKay
General Conference, October 1942

Topics: America, a Choice Land; US Constitution, Inspired



We live in this land choice above all other lands. Are we worthy to enjoy its incomparable blessings? Do we discipline ourselves, self-imposing upon us whatever struggles and sacrifices may be necessary in order that we shall preserve inviolate the principles bequeathed to us by the fathers of our country, many of whom spilled their blood and gave their lives that their descendants might be free?

Source: Elder Joseph F. Merrill
General Conference, October 1940

Topics: America, a Choice Land; Morality



I am proud of my country and of its institutions. I am proud to be an American citizen. The remarks that have been made during this conference from the very beginning have set my soul aflame with patriotic fire for my God and my country, and I hope that I may be loyal to both all the days of my life, and manifest that loyalty and that love through obedience to the mind and will of God and to the laws of our beloved land.

We as a people have a special interest in our loyalty to our country. It seems to me that we have an interest in this country that transcends that of any other people. What a wonderful country this is! This earth was created by the Almighty, who holds the title to every acre of the land upon the surface of this earth. He made it; it is his, and the fulness thereof belongs to him, and certainly his right to parcel that country out to whomsoever he will may not or should not be contested.

Source: Elder Rulon S. Wells
General Conference, October 1939

Topics: America, a Choice Land



The coming of Columbus to America had been foretold centuries before he sailed from the port of Palos, in Spain. The Spirit of the Lord was upon him, was his guide and protector in his great adventure, and led him to the shores of a new world.

It was not by chance that the Puritans left their native land and sailed away to the shores of New England, and that others followed later. They were the advance guard of the army of the Lord, predestined to establish the God-given system of government under which we live, and to make of America, which is the land of Joseph, the gathering place of Ephraim, an asylum for the oppressed of all nations, and prepare the way for the restoration of the Gospel of Christ and the reestablishment of his Church upon earth. It was under these circumstances and others of which the Lord was the author, that the stage was set for the raising of the curtain upon the opening scene of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.

Source: President Heber J. Grant
General Conference, April 1930

Topics: America, History; America, a Choice Land

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