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Topic: Selfishness, Matches 4 quotes.



We live in a world of plenty—there is plenty of food, plenty of clothing and shelter or the means of making them; yet there are millions of God’s children who are hungry, ragged, and cold at this very moment. And why? Many reasons can be given, but in the last analysis, they are reducible to one—selfishness. And through his servants, the Lord lays down as one condition for the return of prosperity the elimination of selfishness in our inter-relations.

Source: Elder Joseph F. Merrill
General Conference, April 1932

Topics: Economics; Selfishness



Bank Failures

Let me give you another illustration [of selfishness], a delicate one I admit. There have been many bank failures in this intermountain country during the past year. The closing was due in most cases, probably, to a “run on the bank.” Now of course when we think a little about the matter it is clear that no bank can immediately give back to depositors all their money. Some of it is always loaned out on time accounts, and borrowers are not able to pay on demand. Hence if all the depositors make a run on a bank they will inevitably force it to close. Now what causes a run? Selfishness, of course. If the bank is in distress, let the other fellow lose. I want my money and so rush after it, hoping to heat the other fellow to the bank. If in this matter all depositors were to live the Golden Rule there would be few, if any, losers and few, if any, bank closings. This is a self-evident fact.

Source: Elder Joseph F. Merrill
General Conference, April 1932

Topics: Economics; Selfishness



The Eighteenth Amendment

Another illustration [of selfishness]: Certain powerful interests in the United States are carrying on an intensive campaign, designed to nullify or eliminate the 18th amendment to the constitution of the United States. Vast amounts of money, it is said, are behind the active but deceptive propaganda to effect this result. And why do some people want the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors again legalized? Once more I assert, selfishness is the dominating motive. Selfishness is at the bottom of all law violation, of depravity, and crime. And if selfishness shall continue as the ruling motive in human affairs, chaos will result. This is the conclusion of the Greetings.

Some people are simple enough to believe that legalizing the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors in the United States will bring back prosperity to the country. Are England and Germany prosperous? As well say a man can lift himself by his boot straps. Can a country drink itself into prosperity by imbibing narcotic beverages? Reason stands aghast at such a proposition. And the fact that the governing board of a powerful local organization gives support to such an idea does not rob it of its absurdity. Further, 2.75% beer cannot he made and sold in this country without violation of the 18th amendment, because 2.75% beer is intoxicating, a fact unquestionably established by scientific investigations. (See How to Live p. 366.)

Source: Elder Joseph F. Merrill
General Conference, April 1932

Topics: Selfishness; US Constitution, Amendments



The following taken from the Declaration (D&C 134) is a key sentence: “We believe that no government can exist in peace, except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life.” The Church cannot look with any degree of favor upon any proposition whatsoever that would oppose to the slightest extent this statement.

Brethren and sisters, our free America, the America of our fathers, is gravely in danger, not from enemies without but from enemies within. It is the duty of all Latter-day Saints, living under the stars and stripes, as well as of all loyal citizens, to forget their petty differences and their ignoble personal selfishness, and rally to her support. This may best be done by holding inviolate the Charter of our liberties the Constitution of the United States and all good laws made in harmony therewith. This certainly requires that we shall be careful and elect to make and administer the laws only people who are wise, patriotic and morally worthy—only men and women of high character.

Source: Elder Joseph F. Merrill
General Conference, October 1940

Topics: Character; Freedom, Threats to; Patriotism; Selfishness; Tolerance; Voting

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