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Topic: Character, Matches 8 quotes.



The accumulation of property is no guarantee of the development of character, but the development of character, or of any other good whatever, is impossible without property.

Source: William Graham Sumner
On Liberty, Society, and Politics (Liberty Fund)

Topics: Character



The humble beginning of the Prophet Joseph Smith is well known. His education was limited. He was obliged to start work early in his life to contribute to the support of himself and other members of the family. Yet from that humble beginning he became one of the greatest prophets of all time. He not only became the dynamic leader of a fast-growing modern Church, but he set forth principles of government worthy of study by our greatest statesmen and in the latter part of his life became a candidate for president of the United States.

Source: Elder Samuel O. Bennion
General Conference, April 1939

Topics: Character



And does not the world, at this minute, seem to be seeking for happiness in doing iniquity? It is character, it is honesty, it is integrity, sincerity, dependability, that will bring stable success. This Church is struggling to bring up a generation of people having these qualities. The Relief Society conference, just adjourned, was struggling to learn what to do before and after children are born, to make them young men and young women with the qualities of Abraham Lincoln, upon whose life and character no limelight has yet been turned that is strong enough to find a flaw.

Source: Elder Richard R. Lyman
General Conference, October 1927

Topics: Character



In all seriousness I ask if the United States, or the people thereof have partially lost the old-fashioned virtues of honesty, sincerity, sobriety, virtue, and dependability.

Source: Elder Richard R. Lyman
General Conference, October 1927

Topics: Character; Virtue



Although there are some uplifting exceptions, in most areas of the mass media there seems to be a declaration of war against almost everything the majority treasures most: the family, religion, and patriotism.

Source: Elder Joe J. Christensen
General Conference, October 1993

Topics: Character; Mass Media



The greatness of a nation is measured, not by its fruitful acres, but by the men who cultivate those acres; not by great forests, but by the men who use those forests; not by its mines, but by the men who work them.

Source: Lyman Abbott

Topics: Character



Integrity Fundamental

The foundation of a noble character is integrity. By this virtue the strength of a nation, as of an individual, may be judged. No nation can ever become truly great, and win the confidence of other peoples, which to further its own selfish ends will, for example, consider an honorable treaty as “a mere scrap of paper.” No nation will become great whose trusted officers will pass legislation for personal gain, who will take advantage of a public office for personal preferment, or to gratify vain ambition, or who will, through forgery, chicanery, and fraud, rob the government or be false in office to a public trust.

Honesty, sincerity of purpose, must be the dominant traits of character in leaders of a nation that would be truly great.

“I hope,” said George Washington, “that I may ever have virtue and firmness enough to maintain what I consider to be the most enviable of all titles—the character of an honest man.”

It was Washington’s character more than his brilliancy of intellect that made him the choice of all as their natural leader when the thirteen original colonies decided to sever their connection with the mother country. As one in eulogy to the father of our country truly said:

When he appeared among the eloquent orators, the ingenious thinkers, the vehement patriots of the Revolution, his modesty and temperate profession could not conceal his superiority; he at once, by the very nature of his character, was felt to be their leader. (Edwin Percy Whipple, Patriotic Oration, delivered in Boston, July 4, 1850.)

Men of sterling statesmanship, unknown or renowned, who strive to emulate his strength of character constitute today as always the greatest asset of our mighty and much beloved United States.

Source: President David O. McKay
General Conference, April 1943

Topics: Character; Leadership



The following taken from the Declaration (D&C 134) is a key sentence: “We believe that no government can exist in peace, except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life.” The Church cannot look with any degree of favor upon any proposition whatsoever that would oppose to the slightest extent this statement.

Brethren and sisters, our free America, the America of our fathers, is gravely in danger, not from enemies without but from enemies within. It is the duty of all Latter-day Saints, living under the stars and stripes, as well as of all loyal citizens, to forget their petty differences and their ignoble personal selfishness, and rally to her support. This may best be done by holding inviolate the Charter of our liberties the Constitution of the United States and all good laws made in harmony therewith. This certainly requires that we shall be careful and elect to make and administer the laws only people who are wise, patriotic and morally worthy—only men and women of high character.

Source: Elder Joseph F. Merrill
General Conference, October 1940

Topics: Character; Freedom, Threats to; Patriotism; Selfishness; Tolerance; Voting

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